Your First Injection - Questionnaire


New member
So I just started my cycle a few days ago and I know this topic has been covered, but I'm looking for some new responses.

How long did you wait with needle in hand before pinning?
Took me a good 4-5 min deeply contemplating

Did you trigger your vasovagal response resulting in syncope (fainting)?
I did trigger that, started sweating, but I had finished just in time, pulled out the pin with no syncope.:blue:

Which muscle did you inject in?
Right Vastus Lateralis

How'd that virgin muscle feel the next day?
Max 2/10, no worse than a good leg day

Is that site still your go-to or do you have a new favorite?

What about you guys?
How long did you wait with needle in hand before pinning.
I was in a hurry to get to work, so it went; watch YouTube video, follow instructions, get the hell out the door. Was done in 5 minutes tops.

Did you trigger your vasovagal response resulting in syncope (fainting)?

Which muscle did you inject in?
Right Glute

How'd that virgin muscle feel the next day?
Ass was sore for 3 days. Felt like someone knee'd me there lol

Is that site still your go-to or do you have a new favorite?
I still prefer that site, I like quads too, but scared to do delts again.
How long did you wait with needle in hand before pinning?
About 2 yrs. I wussed out and I'm glad I did because I was about to start pinning deca with no test. 2 yrs later I started TRT and that first one was pretty quick. Just do it fast and don't sit around and think about it or you will get all worked up. I like to do it in the morning before work. I'm not even really awake yet and it's become a routine like brushing my teeth.

Did you trigger your vasovagal response resulting in syncope (fainting)?
No, none of that for me.

Which muscle did you inject in?
Right quad.

How'd that virgin muscle feel the next day?
Felt like a gunshot wound the next day. Gets a lot better after a few shots though. Now I rarely feel anything after unless its ace.

Is that site still your go-to or do you have a new favorite?
I have come to love delts. I can get to them easy unlike the glutes and I seem to have a lot of nerves in my quads. If the GF is around, I'll have her get me in the glute as that's the most painless for me. I make a mess of it when I try to twist around and get to that spot.
How long did you wait with needle in hand before pinning?
About 3 seconds, then went for it slowly.

Did you trigger your vasovagal response resulting in syncope (fainting)?
No, which surprised me.

Which muscle did you inject in?
Right Thigh

How'd that virgin muscle feel the next day?
It felt like a mule kicked me, but I was pinning with a 1.5 inch 23g needle per the doctor's orders.

Is that site still your go-to or do you have a new favorite?
I rotate between both thighs and both shoulders.
How long did you wait with needle in hand before pinning?
I deal with needles all day. Slowly pierced my right glute after marking with a skin marker lol. Felt like superman afterward.

Did you trigger your vasovagal response resulting in syncope (fainting)?
I've always used slin pins on quads but this cycle I'll be using 23 1 inch for quads and shoulders so we will see.

Which muscle did you inject in?
Right glute

How'd that virgin muscle feel the next day?
It had a lump some PIP BUT NOT MUCH

Is that site still your go-to or do you have a new favorite?
still love glutes but my woman demands she get to do all my injections now. I think she likes the power lmao