Your thoughts around Glutamnine.

I used to try adding a bunch to my protein drink but I didn't really notice much so i stopped spending money on it.
The only thing it is good for I have found is alleviating my heartburn when I take Tren. As silly as that sounds I am serious. I took it years ago for all the GH hype and other BS they used to use to push this supp and it was pretty much useless in that regard. I actually bought a shitload of it in bulk powder form (like a kilo) so I took mega doses for a long time. It didnt do shit. Then I read a post on a forum that said it was good for stopping heartburn when you take tren. Now it was funny in that I experience terrible heartburn when I take tren so I tried it. 15g in the am kept the heartburn totally at bay so from that point on thats all I use it for. Its also supposed to be good for your immune system but who the hell knows. The fact is any halfway decent diet has more than enough glutamine to exceed your need for this AA.
So for me when I am on aa cycle that includes tren 15g of glutamine in the am keeps me heartburn free. Thats much better than taking pepcid and tums all damn day long so I wont say it is totally useless but that is a pretty niche use for such an overhyped supplement.
I am a believer in glutamine for recovery. Whenever I get a cold or feel it coming along, I blast glutamine at 10g a day and I heal right away. Idk why so many don't believe in it. I think it's for healing and recovery and nothing else
I am a believer in glutamine for recovery. Whenever I get a cold or feel it coming along, I blast glutamine at 10g a day and I heal right away. Idk why so many don't believe in it. I think it's for healing and recovery and nothing else

So you do notice an immune system benefit then. Thats good to know. Ive always read it is good for this but never personally monitored it closely enough to know that it did or didnt. Like I said I have a ton of it but only use it for the tren/heartburn thing. Next time I feel a cold coming on Ill throw it in and pay attention to see if it helps me in the same manner. I never felt like it did anything to improve my post workout recovery but thats me personally.
So you do notice an immune system benefit then. Thats good to know. Ive always read it is good for this but never personally monitored it closely enough to know that it did or didnt. Like I said I have a ton of it but only use it for the tren/heartburn thing. Next time I feel a cold coming on Ill throw it in and pay attention to see if it helps me in the same manner. I never felt like it did anything to improve my post workout recovery but thats me personally.

Definitely. For me it has done nothing when it comes to muscle recovery which is what these supp companies advertise them for. For gains: epic waste of money that's for sure, you won't see increased gains on glutamine due to its "rapid muscle recovery"... Recovery isn't rapid either so nope.

I noticed glutamine in many cold relieving tabs like Airborne and EmergenC. Basically those things are vitamin C mixed with 1g of glutamine. I laughed a bit because I kind of figured it out already that glutamine is much better, if not made for immune system support. Seeing glutamine More and more in new "cold OTC" tabs now as a growing trend.
i never really noticed much from it but i do think it helps with recovery a bit , just nothing are deff right, this is a topic .. that if you research, you will find tons of arguements in both directions.