Recent content by AereoZon

  1. A

    Ab training? How often? How long?

    Indeed. If you want pretty abs, I am not the guy to give advice. I just do enough to feel like I've given them their due after squats/deads.
  2. A

    Discomfort in upper left abdomen/rib cage area

    I have an appointment for next week. And, nope, I haven't done a cycle in over 10 years. I may do another one once I get my bf% down and after ensuring this stomach issue is taken care of. I haven't had a drop of brew since I became concerned.
  3. A

    Tren is no joke after all

    Yea, I'm pretty sure I'm never trying Tren. I also heard that it clenches up your chest and makes you cough for a couple minutes after you inject it. Screw that.
  4. A

    Eat real food? No protein shake.

    From what I can tell, that whole "anabolic window" theory is bunk. But, hey, you're going to replenish after a workout (it just feels natural to be eat after exertion) so might as well eat good food. I have a big jug of protein powder that barely gets used. It's there in case of emergencies like...
  5. A

    Tren and night sweats..............

    I have been interested in eventually trying Tren but the more I learn about it the less interested I am.
  6. A

    Ab training? How often? How long?

    Honestly, I do about 4 sets of 10-20 reps, once a week. I believe abs are fine without much direct work and diet determines whether you even see them. I'm admittedly more interested in strength than aesthetics but I'm not okay with looking like crap. I'd just rather squat and deadlift heavy than...
  7. A

    Whenever I run, I get knee pain. Any advise

    If you're heavy, lose weight as running can put ons of pressure on your joints. If knee pain does not go away, maybe you're not built for running. Switch to elliptical for cardio. Also seek out some physical therapy. I once had some knee pain and got it treated. Feel fine now.
  8. A

    Estimate your BF based on these pics.

    I'm right about 23% or so.
  9. A

    First Test E Cycle, everything seem ok?

    I used 1.5" last time I cycled and never had any issues with stabbing my glutes. It's my preferred spot and I plan on doing it again if I do another cycle (still working on lowering bodyfat % first).
  10. A

    Silk Road 2.0 Bust - What does this mean?

    Interesting story and certainly unique to the digital times. I'd never go on that Silk Road site but frankly, I think all substances should be legalized. Just treat it all like alcohol is treated now. Punish harm to others, but don't punish people for things they do to themselves. Just my .02.
  11. A

    ** Tennis Elbow in dominant arm...

    Please do yourself a favor and get a tennis elbow wrap, I use ACE brand. Tighten it up just under the pain (not on it) and leave it on 24/7. This will help tremendously and also do the stretches that can be found easily with a youtube search. Ice is good when it is inflamed of course. I used to...
  12. A

    Discomfort in upper left abdomen/rib cage area

    For the past few months I've noticed some discomfort in my upper left abdomen/rib cage area. It's not a sharp pain, and not super dull, more of an annoying and sporadic ache that comes and goes. I tend to notice it after drinking alcohol and tonight I had one Corona and felt it again. I did the...
  13. A

    Grinding teeth at night while sleeping on tren !

    I have grinded my teeth for a long time, to the point where I finally needed a root canal because I destroyed one of my teeth. My dentist made me a custom mouth guard for when I sleep and it has been a life saver. It's difficult for me to sleep without it now and the pain it has saved me is...
  14. A

    Before & After Approx. 3 years between Pix

    Amazing work, congrats.
  15. A

    Should i train with weight or machines?

    I would encourage you to stick to basic compound lifts as well. Have you checked out Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 program or Rippetoe's Starting Strength? I think the SS program is great for beginners and 531 is good for intermediate and above. Good luck!