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  • Hey girl,

    I noticed u replied to me on your page, lol no wrries it's happened to me many times too.. :)
    I hear u with the price comparison btwn GH & peptides, I'm thinking about GH, we'll see.
    I still want to bring down my BF some, I've changed my routine & iI'm responding well to it.

    Hope your getting good results from Clen & Var.
    How long till the honeymoon ?

    Have a great day~ ;)
    I ran it for 5 months, I was using it mainly for surgery recovery, but I got great results all around, had BF lose without weight loss, just inches went down.... Although I have to say I got the same results form CJC1295 w/ DAC/imaparelin that I got from the GH, same side effects and everything - and since the peptides are cheaper I'm staying with that (plus it doesnt shut down my natual GH production, which is a major plus for me - the issues I got from my GH shutting down temporarily was enough for me to think long and hard about using it again - oh course if I did ever use it again I would use a peptide after for a couple months to help restart my natural GH).... btw, congrats on your 16.8% body fat :)
    Hey Girl,

    How long did u run GH for ? Did u get good results from it ?
    I'm thinking about GH mainly for fat loss/ and of course all the other benefits :)
    My BF now is around 16.8 %, did u see significant BF loss ?
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