Recent content by anewguy

  1. anewguy

    How much muscle have you gained (roughly) from a Testosterone Ethanate Cycle?

    man I think a lot of yall think that 15 pounds you gain on a cycle is all muscle. yall should stop realize what just 5 pounds of REAL muscle looks like.
  2. anewguy

    Supplies came in so the review shall start

    Old enough to know better
  3. anewguy

    sust 250.PLEASE i was stupid and now im worried

    Aww poor kid lol. I don't mean to derail a dead thread, but how do kids this age even have the money?? I mean the supps he listed alone would cost a fortune to me when I was 17.
  4. anewguy

    Test E and taking no AI

    I've never gone without an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I can tell a difference in my mood and libido on it too. I just rather deal with the low e sides than the high e sides.
  5. anewguy

    Adex through post cycle therapy (pct) or stop before?

    I've heard not to run adex into post cycle therapy (pct). not sure why. Anyway, on my first cycle I tapered down my adex before starting my nolva. Went well I guess, so I'm doing it again in two weeks when I pct
  6. anewguy

    Gettting a girl pregnant on juice

    You can't get girl pregnant dude. The baby is mine. Jk, congrats man
  7. anewguy

    Looking to start a clen cycle

  8. anewguy


    Z's old international line? Buyer beware if it is...
  9. anewguy

    igf1 can grow muscle what about nads?

    lol I needed this this morning. thanks
  10. anewguy

    18 inch arms but still look anorexic

    Full body workouts 5 days a week? That actually worked for you?
  11. anewguy

    Mass Cycle

    You gained 30 pounds since last August and are still at 10% bf? I wish I could do shit like that. I agree with user though, and I plan to use npp for my next bulk for some of those same reasons.
  12. anewguy

    What to run dbol at?

    That's a lot of oil. How many cycles have you done and of what?
  13. anewguy

    Splitting Pinn. Dbol???

    You guys are crazy. Just take the damn capsule and quit worrying so much. 25mg should likely be bumped to 50mg anyway. I keep seeing all these threads about splitting up capsules, just take that shit and quit over analyzing!!