Recent content by Another_airon

  1. Another_airon

    First Cycle Review with pics, critique?

    I understand the desire to stay lean. You've obviously put a lot of work and thought into this. I see it this way; dropping weight is easy. But on cycle.... finding gear, setting up a solid plan, tracking nutrition, etc...etc.., all that crap is hard. I'd much rather put all my effort into...
  2. Another_airon

    don't be a bully

    Bahaaaaaa. funny. NOT replying to those posts is another option. If the post bugs you, just walk on by.
  3. Another_airon

    Fastest/Most efficient way to lose BF whilst maintaining muscle?

    Not sure what "ASAP" means to you, but usually dropping weight ASAP runs contrary to preserving muscle. Anyway, it's just simple math really, 1 pound = 3,500 calories. Let's say ASAP means losing one pound a week, using Venomancer's 21 pound number, it'd take 21 weeks of cutting (or burning)...
  4. Another_airon

    laid my GSXR down this morning

    I used to always tell people that there are only two types of riders, those that have been down, and those that just haven't been down yet. Sucks when it happens tho. I've been down a couple times, slid my Hayabusa under a truck once, that was fun.... And a tanked an '86 Suzuki in the rain...
  5. Another_airon

    Time has come, first cycle started today

    Good luck OC, I'll be following your thread, keep updating man and best of luck.
  6. Another_airon

    Test cycle question

    Maximizing results means effective recording keeping. Count calories. Measure weight/BF% and adjust your diet accordingly. Sometimes is hard to fully committ to bulking for fear of gaining fat, I read that many people cut themselves short while on cycle because they're scared of eating too...
  7. Another_airon

    My first cycle (Test Prop and D-bol) log, with pictures.

    As I said earlier, I gain a lot of insight from 'journals' such as this (so no one high jack it :) ). Best of luck man!
  8. Another_airon

    new here

  9. Another_airon

    Girls are more attracted to me when I'm cycling test

    So many threads around here start with "I'm 24 and..." (or a similar age), i was beginiing to feel old, nice to see there's other +40 folks around.
  10. Another_airon

    Girls are more attracted to me when I'm cycling test

    So, a bit of home brewed science... I just decided to run an informal experiment in my wife's lunch guests by asking them a variation of your question... ave age I'm guessing is 33, small sample size of 5, :) , according to them , a confident guy is fun to "play" with.... turns out (these) women...
  11. Another_airon

    back again after extensive research but still want experienced opinions.

    This is really Great advice.... Even if I can't do it either :)
  12. Another_airon

    How to Get Started With IncreaseMyT

    I'd like to know too.
  13. Another_airon

    Steel Cut Oats

    I use the whole grain rolled oats... Seem to work just fine. Especially since all I do is throw in some boiling water, brown sugar and cinnamon.
  14. Another_airon

    Weight loss w/ cardio + keeping MUSCLE!

    Not that I'm aware of, but a little forced community involvement is probably a good thing. Good Luck.
  15. Another_airon

    looking for chest exercise

    Hi Thrice, there's a ton. Let me google that for you Best of luck.