Girls are more attracted to me when I'm cycling test

Haha, yea happens to me, too. Don't get me wrong it's usually the hoes that get aggressive...never the good girls. But I'm not complaining...
I'm not sure about this principle that women can pick up the scent of test or not. I certainly hope so, I've got enough of it roaring through my system right now. what I do know is I'm always horny, and although I'm 42 I am told quite often I don't look it, which is fine by
I can say that being the biggest or one of the biggest guys in the room definitely helps with confidence, but I find myself liking the younger stuff, not jail bait, just younger than me, but with all the confidence in the world I still have a hard time approaching them or knowing what to say to them. it's no problem with the big mouth tramps, not that i wont bang them as well, but I would like to land something young and hot. I have been asked more than once if they could touch me, you know the finger push against the arm or shoulder. I always say "sure" of course, but never know if I'm making a fool of myself trying to chat them up. no offense , but I think most of you guys will agree, a lot of girls early thirties or younger are pretty fucking I'm sick of cougars, well not quite sick of
Smile at these girls you think are hot and you can tell by their reaction if they're into you or not, look at their eyes when they smile back at you. You should know. Next time a girl asks to touch you, afterwards feel her arms. That's the touch barrier broken add in some funny comments wow, mirin bro wish my arms we're as big as yours or whatever, make her laugh, make yourself seems like a cool guy to be around, then escalate it from there and hopefuly eventualy getting to smash the so called young girls (old for me though I'm 21 aha).
I for one needed an ego boost and this thread provided it for me.

I think it all in our heads fellas... Women can't smell testosterone lol. But you get confident and they like it. Then we have courage to talk, and thats all most women need anyway. They want us more than we want them sometimes... We are just stubborn and shy! Anyway... My old man said keep being confident, dont ever be arrogant.
I agree, this is all the fun part of cycling. But you have to be carefull not to waist your time and energy on cycle fucking around. Being on cycle can be harsh and stressful to your body, especially at higher doses. I'm on a heavy and long cycle now. I look at it as a unique opportunity to build my body. I want to do this right. I want to eat like crazy and train even harder. I also have to work to pay my mortgage and bills. I'm often simply too tired to fuck around. Even though on a gram of test that's all I want to do sometimes. My priority this time around is my body. I want big, I want mass. It seems that meeting that goal and using this opportunity means often all I have time and energy for is eating, sleeping, and training. the middle of a thought.."Lets make it known to all my internet buddies that girls actually like me now, THEY ACTUALLY FIND ME ATTRACTIVE!! FINALLY!! ..OH SHIT..IT MUST BE THE STEROIDS!"

I see this as well except I'm married so it's more of a tease!

However women have strang instincts - studdies have show in animals - and human studdies - if you put women in the same inviroment... over time their periods will begin to sync to the same days.

I think it's a little of everything mentioned in this thread.
Me and the GF are having problems ATM. Just not getting action, being sexually frusterated I have found my sex drive and probably test increasing. I am checking out girls, and eyeing them up like a peice of meat.... its bad. I have more confidence around them, I am able to make and hold eye contact as well as talking to them seems much easier and less awkward. dis' gon be gud. (when I start cycling, Actually started the 6th of sept. First Cycle. Just Test E. Looking forward to the experience).
<< shooting 2 grams of test in my juggler right now. hahaha i wanna feel like dis bro's. haha

I'm joking before someone starts to flame me. I know you don't run test iv.