Girls are more attracted to me when I'm cycling test

You mad Bro

I am banned!
It's really strange, I'm running 500mg of test per week and recently 2 girls at work want my cock, one always flirts, play fights/touches me and the other asked for my number texts me and puts in hints like calling me gorgeous and always smiles at me when I work with her, on top of that I notice more girls checking me out and smiling at me, surely I'm not just being big headed. Nothing like this ever happened before my cycle, now I feel like I can fuck any girl I want If I wanted to.

Anyway what I would like to know is are girls more attracted because they unconsciously sense a guy with higher test levels, or are they attracted to a guy on test because he acts more confident and happy?
welcome to the darkside brah

you will always feel confident and good when on cycle. girls like guys that are confident. they somehow sense something different about you. you are more confident and have the test factor working for you, which is working on the girls

test is like pheromones for women. they are attracted to you like bees to honey
so many bros myself included feel this way ... and this convo always same way ... i think BOTH personally

its been said that we are more confident when on test so we feel and look more attractive and we notice signs more etc

but i also do feel woman notice us more , almost like on a hormonal level they can feel the test, and of course we look bigger and better

honestly when im on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) i feel the same thing too lol

x 2 agree

welcome to the darkside brah

you will always feel confident and good when on cycle. girls like guys that are confident. they somehow sense something different about you. you are more confident and have the test factor working for you, which is working on the girls

test is like pheromones for women. they are attracted to you like bees to honey
I just love the feeling, I'm very calm and relaxed around girls, I just say what's on my mind, I don't even have to think of things to say words just automatically come out of my mouth and whatever I say has a positive impact, if you know what I mean.

Majority of people use alcohol to pull womenz, fuck that give me a needle, syringe and some test and I'm good to go. :p ;)
so many bros myself included feel this way ... and this convo always same way ... i think BOTH personally

its been said that we are more confident when on test so we feel and look more attractive and we notice signs more etc

but i also do feel woman notice us more , almost like on a hormonal level they can feel the test, and of course we look bigger and better

honestly when im on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) i feel the same thing too lol


It must be both, I walked past 3 girls who was standing outside a shop talking and as I walked past they stopped their convo and all turned to look at me, I didn't even have to say anything. :p
Hahaha Mad, something sure is working! There's a couple chicks at my office that are very flirty with their eyes already... will be interesting to see what happens in a month when I'm in full blown test overload! Mostly I think its a confidence thing. We just carry ourselves differently when we know we're making awesome gains! Women LOVE men with that innocent confidence. Work it hard bro, and knock 'em down like they're going out of style!
Another possibility is that you are perceiving your environment different as your feeling the affects of your cycle.

One way to be sure is to see if you can "close the deal" better than you would off cycle.
being on test is like body armor. Makes you confident & less fearful mentally & physically..... Oh yeah , & it makes you look good !!!
So, a bit of home brewed science... I just decided to run an informal experiment in my wife's lunch guests by asking them a variation of your question... ave age I'm guessing is 33, small sample size of 5, :) , according to them , a confident guy is fun to "play" with.... turns out (these) women are attracted to alpha males. "Men assume that an alpha male is a man who is the best looking or who has a great deal of wealth, but I think its attitude." according to friend #2. So they Googled, "the most important attribute that defines an alpha male is confidence".

If your cycle builds confidence, away you go. I'd be interesting to find a study that tracked confidence through cycle AND post cycles times.

All this aside 'You Mad Bro', hammer away my friend.
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They sound right and now that I'm thinking of it from a girls perspective and from what you said I am more fun to play with now I'm entertained by my own company at times! :D I'm not awkward off cycle but I'm definitely more easy going around people on cycle. The stuff is great for social situations, it's no wonder why people never stop cycling. 12 more weeks of fun remaining. :) I will bro aha.
This is where you got to be careful and not let it get into your head too much that it's the test making get more pussy, because when it's time to come off your going to have one hell of a headfuck. and if you've already got pussyitus like me you got to be careful your wife don't catch you with your trousers down ;)
It must suck for you guys with wifes haha, feel even more sorry for the guys on here who have wifes that don't put out often. :laugh:
So, a bit of home brewed science... I just decided to run an informal experiment in my wife's lunch guests by asking them a variation of your question... ave age I'm guessing is 33, small sample size of 5, :) , according to them , a confident guy is fun to "play" with.... turns out (these) women are attracted to alpha males. "Men assume that an alpha male is a man who is the best looking or who has a great deal of wealth, but I think its attitude." according to friend #2. So they Googled, "the most important attribute that defines an alpha male is confidence".

Agreed. While they might whine about where all the nice guys are, most women are attracted to the alpha male for at least sex and in some cases genetic material. On the flip side of that however most women are not looking for that alpha male to help rear the offspring...this is where the "nice guy" comes in. I read a journal essay about 10 years where these two sociologists estimated that up to 10% of the children in the US were being raised by fathers that weren't biologically their own. Their premise was that females wanted the alpha male genetics but didn't want to put up with the "swashbuckling" most alpha males are prone to so they grabbed the nice guy for the long term.

Poor betas :(
Agreed. While they might whine about where all the nice guys are, most women are attracted to the alpha male for at least sex and in some cases genetic material. On the flip side of that however most women are not looking for that alpha male to help rear the offspring...this is where the "nice guy" comes in. I read a journal essay about 10 years where these two sociologists estimated that up to 10% of the children in the US were being raised by fathers that weren't biologically their own. Their premise was that females wanted the alpha male genetics but didn't want to put up with the "swashbuckling" most alpha males are prone to so they grabbed the nice guy for the long term.

Poor betas :(
Hahaha so thats why my first son's mum fucked off....... it all makes sense now :D
lol congratulations on being a sperm donor :D

I for one prefer my swashbuckling ways to the fetters of domestication.
Why thank you kind sir, it was an honor. Domestication is the bain of my life at the moment but I rebel the only way I know possible................... pissing all over the toilet seat :D makes me feel like a man again