Recent content by bigboy09

  1. B

    z test e, tren e, dbol cycle

    thnx man yeah it seems to be doing the trick. I have had several workouts since my last post but overall weight on all lifts is progressing nicely I have switched my diet over to a leaner bulk as I approach dropping dbol. stamina has increased greatly and my libido is off the charts, the old...
  2. B

    The side effect that will prevent me from doing another cycle:

    yeah sorry to hear it man I know you were getting back into power lifting, might just want to go for looks now. gl on ur healing don't jump back in to quick. with that said I did tear my qaud at least partially playing ha football and didn't even know it. played the whole season with my qauds...
  3. B

    naps viagra

    its listed as a domestic product wouldn't that make it quicker and honey moon is in 9 weeks. mr. p as an abbott smoker I appreciate that pick more than u will ever know.
  4. B

    naps viagra

    sweet thanks mr. p just saved me a shit load of money. bout to go on my honeymoon and im going to play with it a little bit hope I don't get a four hour erection lol.
  5. B

    Morality of steroids question

    hell yeah I got a five yr old son and he's lean as hell. when he turns 14 im putting him on the sauce. jk no I wont tell him to take it but I will maintain an open line of communication on all fronts with my son. when I get the first question on aas I will gladly explain everything to him. only...
  6. B

    naps viagra

    just wondering if anyone has any exp with naps viagra. is it good I know there really are no generic versions of viagra, its still under pharm patent laws. but I was wondering if they have found a generic that works just the same.
  7. B

    How many of you have asked your gf

    mine has once or twice but once I passed out and hit the floor that was it lol. so now I go solo no problems used to hate the feeling of liquid entering my body, that british dragon test was thick. I am currently using zlabs and it is so much better.
  8. B

    z test e, tren e, dbol cycle

    Been a little while since I posted but here are my updates. I have definetly been getting stronger last night I worked legs and im already back to sqauting 315. also did some lunges with 45 lb dumbells in each hand, and threw in calf raises with the bar and weight I was sqautting after each...
  9. B

    z test e, tren e, dbol cycle

    been a while since I posted cause work has been kind of hectic. I have been able to maintain my diet and heavy lifting, although I haven't got the cardio I have desired next week should be better. my last couple workouts have been chest and arms, and back and shoulders. back and shoulders have...
  10. B

    z test e, tren e, dbol cycle

    had a good leg workout got up to 295 on the sqauts so I think im starting to feel the dbol slightly. definetly getting some of the pump. threw in some abs at the end for some cardio and overall had a pretty decent workout. I have started to increase sets and am back on 5x5's and have noticed...
  11. B

    The ethics of steroid use! Your view?

    I look at it this way its my life ill do with it what I fucking want. u don't like it u don't have to be in my life that simple. I do tell those close to me except my mother. it would worry her to death, but if she asked directly I would be glad to tell the truth. other than that I don't care...
  12. B

    1st Cycle: Test E (500/wk)

    have to agree always do heavy first to make sure u can lift the heaviest weight possible then as u progress through ur workouts u can start to hit the smaller muscles in between heavy sets. at least that's my opinion but u were wise not to push heavy deads with a sore back. never turns out well.
  13. B

    z test e, tren e, dbol cycle

    well first pin went great. can't really update on gains as it hasn't been long enough to experience any. I can say though that zs test e sure seems to be alot easier to inject as it is not as thick as the british dragon knock off I used from a local last cycle. this was comforting because the...
  14. B

    Equipoise and Testosterone Enanthate Cycle

    is that u finished with ur cycle if so man u did something wrong. not sure how big u were to start but it odvious u weren't even close to ur natural potential. from the little I have read it seems that u are overtraining. if u want to build muscle u have to sacrafice some cardio. I used to be a...
  15. B


    this is why they invented google my friend.