The ethics of steroid use! Your view?


New member
As a first time steroid user I have been putting a lot of thought into, not only what steroid cycle I want to run but also the ethics of using steroids.

I have been quite open with some of my friends and my girlfriend about my intentions of using steroids. I am just wondering what my reply will be if let's say a work mate notices my gains, or my dad, or just some lads that I see at the gym.*

Is steroid use something to be ashamed of? I understand the need to be discreet, but would you lie or be honest?

I don't feel ashamed, but at the same time I think that i would lie to most people if they asked me. On the same note though, I hate people pleading innocence, when it's quite clear that they are, or have used steroids.

I hope to get some good replies from this post. I see most of the threads including a few of my own all based on finding help and advice, or talking about a certain cycle.

I hope that this will bring some of the older more experienced guys out to give an opinion or to share some wisdom.*

Mike out
Sounds like your not old enough to be using Steroids.... Just kidding. These are question that totally depend on you and what you do. Are you using them for a competitive edge or are you using them to break you natural genetic limits. Maybe you looking for a short cut. I don't know everyone is different I was 30 when I ran my first real cycle. I hadn't been playing any competitive sport do to an injury for many years. I to was very up front with my family they trusted me to know what I was doing.

It always best to be honest with the people in your life if you can hiding isn't cool. I will recommend you keep in quiet at work.
After 26 years of this, I have come to my own position on the subject. It is as follows.

With those people in your life that matter, i.e. people about whom you care - family, close friends, tell them the truth.

With those people in your life that DO NOT matter, casual acquaintances, the staff at work, some other guys at the gym, do not share your personal life with them.

The fact is that the average Joe off the street will never understand this lifestyle. I've learned that most do not want to understand because it forces them to accept how little commitment, discipline, and work ethic they themselves really have.

Most folks aspire to be "normal." That means they actually strive to be average.

In my 41 years on this Earth, I cannot remember a single moment when I wish to be "average."

I have always worked to be exceptional at everything in which I engage.

So, I've found that most average people will tell you that using AAS is "cheating" or dangerous, or illegal without ever knowing your situation or having any idea about what they are talking.

Bottomline - you don't need the approval or acceptance of the average person.

You do, however, need the acceptance and support of the people in your life that matter. Don't lie to them and potential ruin the bonds of trust that you have forged over so many years.

It sounds like you have already started to see your way clear to this position on your own accord.

My 2 cents.
Personal use its ur business, I personally can't stand seeing professional sports players on them, if ur not good enough to compete on that level then ur taking a job away from someone who can without cheating, in professional sports its cheating, in life its just a tool to get ahead of what ur naturally capable of, but like any tool if the person wielding it doesn't use it right it doesn't work
As far a telling people I'm with cash out, but there r other reasons for not telling people besides lying, u don't tell people if u steal cars right?
As a first time steroid user I have been putting a lot of thought into, not only what steroid cycle I want to run but also the ethics of using steroids.

I have been quite open with some of my friends and my girlfriend about my intentions of using steroids. I am just wondering what my reply will be if let's say a work mate notices my gains, or my dad, or just some lads that I see at the gym.*

Is steroid use something to be ashamed of? I understand the need to be discreet, but would you lie or be honest?

I don't feel ashamed, but at the same time I think that i would lie to most people if they asked me. On the same note though, I hate people pleading innocence, when it's quite clear that they are, or have used steroids.

I hope to get some good replies from this post. I see most of the threads including a few of my own all based on finding help and advice, or talking about a certain cycle.

I hope that this will bring some of the older more experienced guys out to give an opinion or to share some wisdom.*

Mike out

For me, less is better. Why? Steroids are misunderstood and villified by the public.

Mention steroids and most will think of drugs that kill the body with one injection, cause people to go on rampages, and get the 'meathead' look.

They don't understand the hours/months/years of hard work it takes to get the "look". Once again, most think you inject steroids, sit on a sofa and become Arnold - hence the "cheater" aspect.

Plus, deep down inside I feel that there is a hint of jealousy and resentment towards those who use. With society as fat as it is, people take comfort in being around people of the same look so they don't feel lower.

So...I keep my mouth shut.
After 26 years of this, I have come to my own position on the subject. It is as follows.

With those people in your life that matter, i.e. people about whom you care - family, close friends, tell them the truth.

With those people in your life that DO NOT matter, casual acquaintances, the staff at work, some other guys at the gym, do not share your personal life with them.

The fact is that the average Joe off the street will never understand this lifestyle. I've learned that most do not want to understand because it forces them to accept how little commitment, discipline, and work ethic they themselves really have.

Most folks aspire to be "normal." That means they actually strive to be average.

In my 41 years on this Earth, I cannot remember a single moment when I wish to be "average."

I have always worked to be exceptional at everything in which I engage.

So, I've found that most average people will tell you that using AAS is "cheating" or dangerous, or illegal without ever knowing your situation or having any idea about what they are talking.

Bottomline - you don't need the approval or acceptance of the average person.

You do, however, need the acceptance and support of the people in your life that matter. Don't lie to them and potential ruin the bonds of trust that you have forged over so many years.

It sounds like you have already started to see your way clear to this position on your own accord.

My 2 cents.


the only person that knows i use AAS is my wife. i deny it up and down to anyone else. my parents and siblings do not know but i wouldn't lie if they asked.
After 26 years of this, I have come to my own position on the subject. It is as follows.

With those people in your life that matter, i.e. people about whom you care - family, close friends, tell them the truth.

With those people in your life that DO NOT matter, casual acquaintances, the staff at work, some other guys at the gym, do not share your personal life with them.

The fact is that the average Joe off the street will never understand this lifestyle. I've learned that most do not want to understand because it forces them to accept how little commitment, discipline, and work ethic they themselves really have.

Most folks aspire to be "normal." That means they actually strive to be average.

In my 41 years on this Earth, I cannot remember a single moment when I wish to be "average."

I have always worked to be exceptional at everything in which I engage.

So, I've found that most average people will tell you that using AAS is "cheating" or dangerous, or illegal without ever knowing your situation or having any idea about what they are talking.

Bottomline - you don't need the approval or acceptance of the average person.

You do, however, need the acceptance and support of the people in your life that matter. Don't lie to them and potential ruin the bonds of trust that you have forged over so many years.

It sounds like you have already started to see your way clear to this position on your own accord.

My 2 cents.

agree 100%!!! Tryed to rep ya cash but it seems I have already gave you alot of reps lol

like cash said...ordinary people on the street have no idea if your on something or not...all they can do is speculate. Also ordinary people think that one shot of "ROIDS" will make you huge...they are pretty much sheep bro....All my family, good friends, and wife know what I do...other than that I tell everyone I take shit from max muscle or complete nutrition....ya 5 deca zol lol whatever that shit is
It seems most peoples view of AAS is negative. I attribute this to all the misinformation media and movies put out. I didn't start using AAS for 6 years after I first started thinking about it because I usually have a very short temper and all I heard about gear was roid rage this and roid rage that and I didn't want to fly off the handle and do something stupid. Then after I started doing research and found out the truth's behind all the media bullshit I realized that I'm a grown ass man and can control myself. Funny thing is is I'm more chilled out on a cycle then off. As far as Ethics go, steroids have been in sporting competitions including the olympics for years and years. People don't just become Olympic athletes and pro sports player cuz they do a few cycles. Yes it is an enhancement, but sports and competitions also take tons of practice, natural talent, and dedication that you can't get from AAS. I don't see a problem with it in sporting competitions. As far as telling people I'm on gear, my girl knows, a few friends that also cycle know, other then that it's nobody's business what I do in my life. I'm not hurting anybody and so far, I've had nothing but good things come from AAS, except some bacne here and there hahaha. I don't tell people everytime I take a shit or when I bust a nut. Nobody's business. Just my opinion on the subject.
Cash (and everyone else) made some great points.

I will give thought to my (future) AAS use before disclosing it to anyone.
I will NOT tell anyone who asks for advice that I juiced, for fear of ruining the sport for them.
I will NOT tell anyone about my (future) use to whom it would simply cause drama (IE: family, disapproving friends)
I will NEVER disclose my use to professional or personal/professional acquaintances. Admitting to using a Sch III drug might come back and bite me in the ass.

I will NOT juice to gain any sort of competitive edge. Forget about fair or not, if I am competing in anything I want to prevail or be beaten on a level playing field. What's the point otherwise?

Basically, "cheating" is defined by the user. It will either come in the form of finger pointing from external sources, most of which will not matter to you, or guilt stemming from some moral conflict internally, if it arises at all.
I look at it this way its my life ill do with it what I fucking want. u don't like it u don't have to be in my life that simple. I do tell those close to me except my mother. it would worry her to death, but if she asked directly I would be glad to tell the truth. other than that I don't care what ur thoughts are on it. just like any other drug if I choose to use its my body my choice and I don't feel its anyones place to tell me what I put in my body. as long as its not affecting anyone else they have no right to judge.

and truth be told most people want the look of a juicer but don't understand try can only achieve this with juice so its a catch 22. if u want it do it if not don't.
Basically the same as the others. My wife, brother, mother and close friends know. any random joe who talks to me in the gym and asks i just deny it or change the subject. personally i dont feel they need to know my business.
If anyone thinks athletes are not using then continue on with the fantasy world. Sports are very different these days and are almost needed just to heal. With that said I follow what Cashout said.
IMO if you use them correctly and not abuse them,they are fine to use on a personal level,but pro ball players should be banned and are fakes,just like the yankees ex pitcher,hes just getting away with lying,and hell everyone knows he used them geeze,people like that give aas a bad rap and makes the public just thrive on something else to commercialize and captialize on,i myself dont have anything against them,cause i use them myself,its my right to,not for pro sports,but just personal use like most everyone on here.

I read on another board where a guy was using them(deca/dbol)with no test and was bragging about not having any side effects and trying to tell everyone they should be doing what hes doing,what a fuck up,people like him give all of us a bad name and rap and cause us to have bad names out in public as a "juice head" and we all get blamed for excessive violence etc,why dont they treat druggies like they do us,we are just honest people wanting to look good anf have hit a brick wall with our natural gains,and i dont see anything wrong with wanting to look good for all the hard work we do in the gym for ourselves,but we get crucified for it.....

but a druggie,dont get all the bad attention,all i ever hear is that"some crack head stole some money and drugs and you never hear anything else,but AAS users gt beat to hell 24/7...but thats the way our media is,,they feed on shit like that,hell if the truth be known,the media is the cause of 95% of the worlds problems!:flamingma:flamingma

im going to use them cause its my choice and i want to improve what i love to do,its not considered a drug(AAS)in my book,unless you abuse them