Equipoise and Testosterone Enanthate Cycle

ya....up your test to a minimum of 500mg a week to see good results, your eq is at the least effective dosage for males, i would even up that to 600mg a week, as for the cycle length, eq needs to be ran a min of 12weeks for noticible gains and effectivness, with that said you should run your test e and extra week after to make post cycle therapy (pct) times combine accordingly. post cycle therapy (pct) start time for eq is 21 days after last inject, as for test e its 14, so plan accordingly


Increase your test intake to the ball park of 500mg. I've done a lot of research into eq...a lot of people have commented that their best results are when they work between 400mg & 600mg.

How's your appetite ?

I'd be interested in getting some of that bolde 250 here in Australia.
Hey i am takin 40 mg/ day D-bol pills, and 2 shots a week, 1cc Eq 300 mixed with test 400. First shot in my shoulder did everything right aspirated and all that stuff, very clean set up, and both my buddy and I have red swollen shoulders that are very stiff and hard. We are using Underground Steroid Pharm products, anyone know much about them? Does it make a difference what the product is suspended in?
Dude, get a medical book (I have a first year med. book) or research online to find the best places to inject and locations of important vessels and nerves. Everyone is different so locations of these things maybe slightly different. Be careful! Jmho.

4th week shots went great in the Quad again. But wait forgot. Right quad hit a nerve leg twitched kicked the needle right out. Good thing I don't have a loose grip. Changed needles and when in smooth and slow. Noticing more veins and strength. Can do more weight more reps and set. Don't want to push it injurying myself. But feel good and ready. My focus has gone up. Also I don't feel depressed! I feel good. Pictures come later.
Dude, get a medical book (I have a first year med. book) or research online to find the best places to inject and locations of important vessels and nerves. Everyone is different so locations of these things maybe slightly different. Be careful! Jmho.

Wow this thread lasted this long! Yes I kept about 15lbs of weight in the end. I will post the pictures from the end of the cycle later. I love to inject the gear into my delts now. The delts are so much easier and feel so good.:wiggle: EQ is great stuff.

I found some syntrop stuff the six hundred it called i believe. EQ 200mg Test C 200mg and Deca the long ester 200mg in 1ml! Hybrid mix. So I just started the cycle last week I will be posting my cycle over the next few days. With a kick of 50mg of Anabol a day! Boy, I hate it when my hair thins!
I performed tis cycle recently,and experienced tremendous gains. if you don't want to experience problems with injecting in the quads, you should try the glutes, less pain and less likely to hit nerves. watchout for those hunger cramps. EQ gives you the serious appetite.
I see cycles in my future!!!

Ok, now I'm new 2 all this but have been doing homework on net and am hoping u guys can put me under your wing just enough to 2 be educationally comfortable 2 fly solo. I'm 6'3, 250 pds. I'm neither obese nor fat. I'm a pretty big guy as it is. Broad-shouldered & barrel-chested but I would call myself chunky. A tire and a slight belly. I just turned 34 2day. When I was in late teens 2 mid-20's I did alot of calisthenics (1,800 8-count push-ups daily, 800 dips daily, etc.) but have not followed a regimen in 8 years. Just started training and have this birdie on my shoulder singing roids. This thread has actually answered alot of the ?'s I had so now I guess I'm just asking for info as 2 what shape I have 2 be in b4 I begin my cycle and considering my size & age, was hoping someone can better direct me down the proper yellow brick road. Excuse the metaphors, it's just my lingo. Well, my plan was Equipoise but am now really siding w/ Test E only 2 play it safe. What do you think? Also, my uncle (old as heck) looks freakin' grossly sick due 2 the saggin' muscles. Not trying 2 enter golden years looking like a sharpei puppy. So, can I take this, do some heavy lifts but only enough 2 establish a little more mass/muscle and jump straight into bar work? Of course though, i'll be adding weight 2 my vests and whatnot. Needless to say, I am genuinely grateful for those who take an interest in the well-being of us who need a guiding hand. FYI, 4 some odd reason, the time I did lift plates (2 yrs) I saw no big change in my appearance other than a lil' more definition 2 my body but what strength, though! Very, Very strong. Maybe it means something, maybe not. U never know. Nothing grew (arms, chest, shoulders, etc.) Thnx Again
Ok, now I'm new 2 all this but have been doing homework on net and am hoping u guys can put me under your wing just enough to 2 be educationally comfortable 2 fly solo. I'm 6'3, 250 pds. I'm neither obese nor fat. I'm a pretty big guy as it is. Broad-shouldered & barrel-chested but I would call myself chunky. A tire and a slight belly. I just turned 34 2day. When I was in late teens 2 mid-20's I did alot of calisthenics (1,800 8-count push-ups daily, 800 dips daily, etc.) but have not followed a regimen in 8 years. Just started training and have this birdie on my shoulder singing roids. This thread has actually answered alot of the ?'s I had so now I guess I'm just asking for info as 2 what shape I have 2 be in b4 I begin my cycle and considering my size & age, was hoping someone can better direct me down the proper yellow brick road. Excuse the metaphors, it's just my lingo. Well, my plan was Equipoise but am now really siding w/ Test E only 2 play it safe. What do you think? Also, my uncle (old as heck) looks freakin' grossly sick due 2 the saggin' muscles. Not trying 2 enter golden years looking like a sharpei puppy. So, can I take this, do some heavy lifts but only enough 2 establish a little more mass/muscle and jump straight into bar work? Of course though, i'll be adding weight 2 my vests and whatnot. Needless to say, I am genuinely grateful for those who take an interest in the well-being of us who need a guiding hand. FYI, 4 some odd reason, the time I did lift plates (2 yrs) I saw no big change in my appearance other than a lil' more definition 2 my body but what strength, though! Very, Very strong. Maybe it means something, maybe not. U never know. Nothing grew (arms, chest, shoulders, etc.) Thnx Again

I say at your age and if you worked out as hard as you say for the last two years. Basically if you reached your max potential naturally then use steroids. I am just saying now. I would take the candy.
Eq was my favorite cycle, easiest on sides, shredded me up hard, circumstantially because of job in oil field. Gains were solid and kept every oz.
is that u finished with ur cycle if so man u did something wrong. not sure how big u were to start but it odvious u weren't even close to ur natural potential. from the little I have read it seems that u are overtraining. if u want to build muscle u have to sacrafice some cardio. I used to be a big cardio fan to till I listen slowed down and just lifted heavy. save the cardio for ur later cycles or when off. I put on easily 15 lbs of muscle with my first cycle and I ran less gear than u. how much weight did u gain overall? if u want any advice on training in the future pm me or go ask questions on the forum.

So I am about to start off my first cycle i got 10ml bottle of test E and 10 ml of equipoise and im wondering what would be the best way to go about this im 6'2 inches tall and weigh 176 lbs i have a lot of friends using i just would like to hear some suggestions from ppl that arent doorknobs
ya man its made here in my city i can get it anytime im aiming for a 8-12 week getting it is not a problem i just dont have a lot of money to buy it all at once i already have another two bottles of each on there way and will order more to cover for the rest of my cycle and are u saying use 250 of test each week and 300 of eq each week??