Recent content by Carl1000

  1. Carl1000

    I have a hard time cumming when fucking

    I used to jack off fucking obssessively. It would literally be 4x/day at times for days in a row, and NEVER fewer than 2x. It got to the point where even if I had a chance at pretty good pussy I would just be like, eh, whats the point because I had already masterbated 3x that day already...
  2. Carl1000

    Site to track diet/workout

    What's the best free site out there that tracks calories, macronutrients, workout journal, etc?
  3. Carl1000

    paying via WU

    First time I've sent money via WU. Use cash, I assume? Will I have to show ID for a domestic transfer? Any other things I should know?
  4. Carl1000

    help me get get this girl please (women help me out on this too)

    unfurl your beautifully colored tail, and perform a mating dance to woo her passions
  5. Carl1000

    viagra or cialis?

    i'm going on a trip with my girl, and i want to be able to fuck the living shit out of her repeatedly, no matter how many times we've had sex that day previously. which should i obtain? viagra or cialis? and why?
  6. Carl1000

    liver support regimen?

    Great....cheapest place to buy milk thistle?
  7. Carl1000

    liver support regimen?

    i'm looking for a nuclear grade liver support regimen. when i'm done, i want my liver kissing my fucking feet and serving up bile on a gold platter on one of those purple pillows while chicks with huge boobs wave palm fronds and chant my praises. i want my liver to fucking love me. lay it on...
  8. Carl1000

    Wife lost sex drive, almost completely

    Your inability to follow simple logic is frightening.
  9. Carl1000

    Wife lost sex drive, almost completely

    The SSRIs kill sex drive. Antidepressants do not kill sex drive. Wellbutrin is not an SSRI.
  10. Carl1000

    Wife lost sex drive, almost completely

    Wellbutrin isn't an SSRI. When I've been on it, I've been horny as fuck. A bitch I had when I was 21 was on it too and could not be satisfied. I would bang her 5 times a day and still walk in on her with her vibe.
  11. Carl1000

    Wife lost sex drive, almost completely

    Wellbutrin. Just have her go to her doc and say she's depressed and she's heard bad things about SSRIs and would like to try this med instead.
  12. Carl1000

    Wife lost sex drive, almost completely

    i'd much rather have a high sex drive cheatin' slut than a loyal bitch who never puts out.
  13. Carl1000

    help interpreting blood test

    Thanks. Normal. Are there other liver tests a doc could/would schedule, or are AST/ALT the primary ones that would indicate liver damage or disease.
  14. Carl1000

    help interpreting blood test

    i just had a blood test (comprehensive metabolic, CBC, and testosterone) to get my test levels checked. primarily because i was curious. anyway, i forgot to ask about my liver values. what would those be listed under? AST and ASL?
  15. Carl1000

    How come...
