Recent content by cycleaway

  1. C

    Stats/Thought of 1st cycle

    130lbs, i would invest £20,000 a year on food before i invest anything on steroids.
  2. C

    Is this true?? 14%bf lost and 12lb gained at once

    yeah he was pretty chubby, hes 6ft 2" so he carried it pretty well. hes a funny one really, the doctor said he was perfectly healthy at his medical but for some reason always weighed obese (we work for the same company, thats how i know this) maby he just weighs heavy.
  3. C

    Is this true?? 14%bf lost and 12lb gained at once

    he is an absolute beast, he still eats like a horse tho!! he currently weights (103kg) i think thats about 225lb. he used the stack above following a test/dianabol bulk (8weeks) i will be honest his strength isnt amazing but like he said he doesnt do it for strength, his job requires the beefed...
  4. C

    Is this true?? 14%bf lost and 12lb gained at once

    A friend of mine states he managed to cut 14% BF and still gain 12lb of muscle at the same time on a cutting cycle in 12 weeks. Primobolan winstrol anavar He looks like a beast at present but are these figures possible.
  5. C

    When to start clen after testoviron cycle? ++ good link with pics

    im planning on finishing this cycle, but i want to cut as soon after as possible, can any of you give any idea on what would be best for cutting, i wanna get down to 11% bf but try and keep as much of my weight as possible, i dont want to waste any muscle. i dont want to use clen a post cycle...
  6. C

    When to start clen after testoviron cycle? ++ good link with pics

    stats age 24, weight 106kg/233 pound, body fat 15% current cyle testeviron 500mg / deca 200 mg per week / dianabol 40mg per day training 3 times per week heavy weights, sorry for the minimal input but im wacked at the minute
  7. C

    When to start clen after testoviron cycle? ++ good link with pics

    When shall i start the clen after a stack of deca and testeviron (8weeks) Im planning 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. So.... how long should i run it for and times on when to start etc to get the best results. Any help would be great. Also i found this very useful for newbies
  8. C

    Who can approve a Source for me?

    move to the uk where you can hand your gear in at the police cells of a night and ask for it back the next day, like giving you back your watch.
  9. C

    Testoviron Depot

    Admin is very correct, i wish i could get overfilled amps that were legit, you will not find this, i suggest you change supplier and opt for the correctly 1ml filled amps.
  10. C

    Testoviron Depot

    The amps will never be 1.5 ml, i can see why you think this when you read the vial but look closer or draw the test into a syringe, you will soon see it will be 1ml or maby just under. Never 1.5ml vials. The 1ml marking will have a line around the vial and the fill line is the line higher but...
  11. C

    Best single steroid for cutting cycle?

    100mg per 1 ml vial injectable, 1 shot every other day. keep your gains and still gain very little but cuts you up nice with very very little sides.
  12. C

    Best single steroid for cutting cycle?

    400mg per week would be what i recommend
  13. C

    Best single steroid for cutting cycle?

    primobolan would be best for what you need, very little side with small muscle gain but good at cutting.
  14. C

    best time to inject and what doses

    I have done a primobolan cycle before 100mg per 1 ml every other day and had no problems , plus this was oil based, how often do you inject each muscle group, every 3 days be ok in the same muscle or is it just suck it and see, if it becomes a pain in the arse (literally) change muscle groups.
  15. C

    best time to inject and what doses

    Hi all, Im new to this site with 2 cycles under my belt, now cycle 3 is nearing. For this i plan the following. Deca durobolin 200mg per 2ml, testoviron 250mg per 2ml, dianabol 10mg tabs, primobolan 100mg per 1ml. I have done previous cycles with Primo, test and dianabol and had good lean...