Best single steroid for cutting cycle?


New member
If you had to choose a single steroid (oral or injectable) for a cutting cycle which would it be? Goal would be to lose some body fat and keep any muscle already gained (and preferably build a little too if possible so anything mildly androgenic might be preferable).
i swear by tren. i know people talk about all the harsh sides, but i don't really get them idk maybe thats just me. my blood tests always come back close to perfect and i always include tren in my cycles
Thanks for the thoughts. Primobolan is not something I had considered. Anavar and test seem the most likely so far but hadn't considered that one.
Sounds like ur on a first cycle. DO NOT CUT on a first cycle! I havnt used gear, and to be fucking honest, I dont know if I ever will. I did the research though, and for my first, I wouldnt do anavar, primobolan or any of that bullshit to begin with.

I know Im not the perfect replyer to someone who hopes for a magic pill, but u can do ALOT without any androgenic shit... I mean for a simple cut.. There are plenty of "under the counter" cutting shit to, that doesnt have the same sides..

And, as far as Im considered, Im not gonna do, if I decide to anything, other than Test E and round it off with Test P.. and thats what I would recommend to everyone else doing a first..
But wtf do I know, even though ur question seem to be copy-pasted right out of a "lets-get-rid-of-some-var" kind of web-site.. sorry if I insulted someone, but many web-based sources have countradictary (if thats how u spell it) info, and I know alot of people are looking for something to make them loose fat and gain muscle in less than 30 seconds...
Tren can do this.


Anyways, if I were to do a cutting cycle and could only run one kind of gear, I would do ox for a few reasons:
oral - tren is an eod inject (unless you can get ahold of the enanthate) and even once/week injects are still a pain in the ass
less sides - regardless of what gear you get, they all have sides, ox is about as side free as you can get
doesn't take a ton of it - all you need to do is keep as much muscle as you have, and ox can do this
helps with hunger - if you are on a cutter, odds are you will get hungry, ox has the ability to curb hunger to a certain extent (this varies by individual obviously)
relatively easy to get - primo is and maybe always will be a bitch to get and you will almost never know if it is fake or not
price - it has come down in price to where it is relatively inexpensive

Those would be my reasons.
for me HGH and Winstrol depot, but if you use only a single stero for cutting you take a lot of this, and how many weeks you think to do under the cycle?
for my competition i've used HGH and Winstrol in higth dose but only of wintrol, becouse HGH 2ui in the morning/ 2ui before bed with 0,25mg T4(tiroxine) and 1cps T3 in a lunch, and i had do last 6/8 weeks before competition but my dose of W. was:
but this dosage becouse i had a competition, i think for you is very very hight and not necessary!!!!!
is only one example, for me will be better for cutting use 2 Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) as PRIMO and WINSTROL in low dose /week becouse if primo is GOOD no problem, you can see the result in rapid time!! i remamber of buy it from spain and it was very very good, i remamber to had do my first week with 400mg of only primo and i'm was changed immediately, and then for next week i had take low dose of primo but i had added also winstrol and clenbuterol....
this is only an example...PLEASE not do the same crazy cycle ehe :)

bye bye