best time to inject and what doses


New member
Hi all, Im new to this site with 2 cycles under my belt, now cycle 3 is nearing.

For this i plan the following.

Deca durobolin 200mg per 2ml, testoviron 250mg per 2ml, dianabol 10mg tabs, primobolan 100mg per 1ml.

I have done previous cycles with Primo, test and dianabol and had good lean results. Now i want to explode!!

I plan on taking 400mg of testoviron per week, 400mg of deca durobolin per week, 100mg of primobolan per week and 280mg of dianabol per week.

I plan to cycle the weeks, for example

week 1
500mg testeviron - 200mg deca

week 2
400mg of deca - 250mg of testoviron

keeping the primo to 100mg per week through out
dianabols to 280mg per week. (might take weekends off - havnt thought about this yet)

My only problem is how many times i might have to stick a needle in my arse.

What advise do you lads have on inject sites and quantities injected per site.

Any advise on this cycle would be good, im looking to bulk on a major scale!!

My stats, age 24, height 6'.1", weight 220lbs, bf 17% at present (2 kids, 2 cats, 1 dog, wife and shite job - iv got to blame something - training is back up and running and lifestyles calming down now)

Iv managed to keep my strength but lost some size. The reason the primo is in there is to help keep what i can gain.

Constructive comments welcome, to the 14 year old knob heads who suck on their inhailer and think they can bench 80lb more each week, just read.
Big muscles can handle 2+ mls easy - glutes, quads

medium ones may be able to handle 1-2 mls - Pecs, delts, calves, biceps

Small ones like your tri's can usually handle just 1ml.

All this depends on your physical size keep in mind. a 6'4 monster will have larger muscle bellies than a 5'4 mini use your own judgement.
I have done a primobolan cycle before 100mg per 1 ml every other day and had no problems , plus this was oil based, how often do you inject each muscle group, every 3 days be ok in the same muscle or is it just suck it and see, if it becomes a pain in the arse (literally) change muscle groups.