Best single steroid for cutting cycle?

Test as the base and either tren or var. My favorite was all 3 together even though i wasn't cutting
Test as a base is smart bizness......winny worked great with the test.....unfortunately i've never tried var or i have to vote for all i know....test with winny
By the way, is that oral or injectable? And how would you split the 400mg over the week or is is just once per week?

100mg per 1 ml vial injectable, 1 shot every other day. keep your gains and still gain very little but cuts you up nice with very very little sides.
if i was going to pick just one i would use prop . but if i was gonna run a cutting cycle it would consist of test e , tren a , whinny, clen and a nice post cycle therapy (pct)

but if i picked one it would be test prop, prop retains less water