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  • sorry , dont give out sources especially to people i dont know.if you hang around a while it wont be hard to figure out whos who .
    New member long time reader ... Ha whatever can u help with source ? Especially local or close to local for me? Thanks.
    once you get in the mid 200"S and up stayin g lean is hard to do . that being said nothing adds lean mass like heavy lifting . if you train heavy as a powerlifter theres a good chance some of that belly flab will go away and be replaced by lean mass even at 275 . im a broke down ex powerlifter now but in my prime i carried a hard 4 pack at about 300 pounds and im not even a full 5-10 in height . im almost 50 years old now and im out of the game now.
    Hey during our misunderstanding you said you were a powerlifter. I have been powerlifting since I retired from fighting you can say one to many Samoans hitting me in head retired me but body broke down from promoters want me at middle weight to heavy. So here's my question I don't want to get blasted with im a moron shit on board my goals are to hit 275 and keep it im 240 now solid I do lots of ab strengthen exercises but as far as abs I could care less if I see them is this a big mistake on my part my core is strong as hell but you have to push my skin to feel my abs. I guess the question is am I a dumd ass for not caring about my look in my midsection over the power I want or im I overlooking something as to be a complete power lifter. Im sure after you read this and reply I will be able to explain more. Everyone one tells me to much skin or fat on mid is bad for health but all I want is power can you make.out what im asking :)
    Yea thats what my goal is . Lean quality gains. Last cyc was test dbol and deca and went from 198 to about 217 . Lost about 5 of it from water and huge stretch marks around the pit-bi area but shit IMO I was a beast and ate like a horse
    dont expect large gains from var but a eq/test/var cycle should give some decent gains with little side effects. if your running test eth or cyp run it 1 week longer than eq and start pct 2 weeks after last injection. you could run var weeks 1-4 and again at the end for 4 weeks timed to stop the day before pct starts.
    Hey man. Just trying to get your .02. What's your take on anavar with a cycle? Planning on doing around 16 wk cycle because it's gonna be test e, eq, and thought about var since I'm looking for a lean mass cycle this time around. Any help would be good. Thanks bro
    Hi. Another question: is the 50 post thing why I can't read 'how to write a question people will answer' thing too? And thanks for answering my thread!
    you have to have at least 50 post to veiw your profile , ts how the software is set up.
    Its ok :) .. Thanks for ur help again ! !
    One more thing , i cannot view my profile in this site as it is giving me a message that u have not got sufficient right and something... could u help me with this ?
    not everyone bloats badly on cycle and not everyone gets gyno [ most dont at reasonable doses ] i cant answer that for you , sorry.
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