Recent content by DexterMorgan

  1. DexterMorgan

    Need a little help with Adex dosage

    .25 eod, keep your test dose the same.
  2. DexterMorgan

    ADVICE NEEDED: First Cycle With a Bang

    Hey OP. Wait a couple more years. Time goes by fast. You don't wanna start that early. Girls our age prefer fit over jacked dudes ;).
  3. DexterMorgan

    KingPen's First cycle Log :D

    I felt great during PCT for the most part. Last week of PCT and few weeks after PCT were tough.
  4. DexterMorgan

    Cycle Tips! need some reviewing!

    Are you gonna take aDex week 1-8? Keep Var dose the same. Make your cycle 10-12 weeks long. PCT: Nolva 40/20/20/20 Clomid 75/50/50/50 Look into hCG.
  5. DexterMorgan

    Running Test (500mg/week) and staying on it indeffinetely?

    19 and already 3 cycles damn... all I'm gonna say about the age part. Each person is different. You will bounce back after few years of cruising, but most likely your test will be very low. Even that will require a very long PCT that you will hate to go through after staying on for so long. So...
  6. DexterMorgan

    cutting cycle and first time

    Why are you starting test on week 3? You should not run ANY of the compounds without test (unless you're a woman). Adex dosing isn't right. hCG use is incorrect. Don't rely on clen too much, diet is what mostly determines your body fat. I think that you should bulk your 1st cycle. You won't...
  7. DexterMorgan

    2nd cycle need advise please!

    Happy NY. Sorry to disappoint you, but you're not going to gain over 20lb LBM. Use diet to cut at the end+ T400. I would use Test+Var for my second cycle.
  8. DexterMorgan

    Test E bloating (face looks bloated)

    hCG will not cause bloat to any significant degree. It dose slightly increase your estrogen, but when using AI you can control it.
  9. DexterMorgan

    Test E bloating (face looks bloated)

    Lowering sodium won't do anything. This is how people get gyno, high bp, bloat, low sex drive, and possibly enlarged prostate by not using AI. Start adex at 0.25mg every other day. Stop using it when you start PCT. Adex won't interact with hCG. It interacts with Nolva.
  10. DexterMorgan

    Any experience with optimum pharma

    Packaging looking sexy.
  11. DexterMorgan

    Does anyone factor in ester weight when planning dosage?

    I think with all the recommended doses, ester weight is already taken into consideration. Also, ester weight should be the same from every lab. Ester actual mg/100mg dose Testosterone Cypionate : 70mg Testosterone Decanoate: 65mg Testosterone Enantate: 72mg Testosterone Isocaproate: 75mg...
  12. DexterMorgan

    First Cycle, Test E, would like to check I have everything correct

    Hey Smiffy, I did my cycle when I was 22, honestly, I regret it. I'm 23 now, and after doing one cycle, I decided to wait a decade or 2. Your body may still be developing even if you're not growing taller, introducing exogenous hormones may cause problems. But if you gonna do it anyways, you...
  13. DexterMorgan

    Next Cycle Coming Up In March Check It Out

    You don't have to use SERMs and hCG together. hCG is used during the cycle and SERMs for PCT. hCG will benefit you by keeping your balls functioning on cycle, making your recovery smoother. I wound't do a cycle without hCG. HCGenerate is garbage. Using SERMs for 4 weeks will not cause any...
  14. DexterMorgan

    my third cycle, reviews and grants

    This is slightly confusing to me. What ester of tren will you be using? I would run tren higher than test. Use adex or asin as your estrogen control. Look into caber or prami.
  15. DexterMorgan

    Next Cycle Coming Up In March Check It Out

    Increase NAC dose to 1200 (1800 with oral). Start aromasin from day one. Add clomid to your pct 75/50/50/50. Look into hCG. Also, stop using aromasin day before PCT.