Recent content by DucBase

  1. D

    RUI products ? can anyone testify ?

    I had nothing but good results from their stuff before, but haven***8217;t used them in a few years. It***8217;s pretty obvious they have changed. The website is all fucked up now, payments are a mess. Not sure i have any faith the shit would be the same today if I went through the trouble of...
  2. D

    which steroids make the biggest difference/impact on face and skull size?

    HGH can cause parts of your skull to grow. Not really in a good way. It’s kind of a cave man with a huge chin look. Guess that’s pretty manly? I doubt tren affects bones at all like that. Probably just more muscle + less fat changing your looks a bit. Maybe a bit of cartilage growth in an...
  3. D

    Test E the best starting compound?

    I’ve always been like that. Every time I switch doctors or clinics I have to come in for injections for a few months until they are satisfied I’m not just stocking up on test. Agreed on OP. That is really skinny. Cycle or not, he needs to learn how to eat.
  4. D

    AAS use and DVT - Experience and questions about going forward

    I would stay away from 19-nors as they have a bad reputation for increasing rbc/hematocrit. I’ve seen dramatic rises mine when using deca.
  5. D

    Please take a look at my bloodwork at 12 weeks. Freaking out a bit.

    I’d be pretty happy with that. The estrogen is easy enough to deal with.
  6. D

    Test E the best starting compound?

    300/week is my TRT dose and it puts me at 7-800TT. I don’t think I’d be very impressed with the results of less than 500 but everyone is different. If I were going to shut myself down over it, I’d make it worth it.
  7. D

    post injection pain in delts and glutes

    I haven’t tried that. Rock solid logic though.
  8. D

    post injection pain in delts and glutes

    There’s been a bit of discussion on here in the past with some good tips and pics. My phone is about dead or I’d find a thread or two for you. Best advice I’ve got is to stand and kinda rock side to side while feeling for them. If you have spent much time in a squat rack you should feel them...
  9. D

    post injection pain in delts and glutes

    You just need to pin more gear in your delts, so you can get bigger delts, so you can pin more gear in your delts. :)
  10. D

    post injection pain in delts and glutes

    Assuming nothing else has changed, like your gear, I’m thinking you just need to find some new injection sites. Let the delts rest. I hated quads at first but eventually found a couple good spots there. The ventroglutes are arguably the best spots ever. Totally painless and wouldn’t fuck you up...
  11. D

    post injection pain in delts and glutes

    How often have you been hitting them? My delts were so pain free that at first I switched to using them several times a week. That worked great until it didn’t.
  12. D

    Test Propionate cycle before Test E cycle as a first?

    Test P means testosterone propionate to me. Not an oral. Maybe I’m not up to speed on something new out there? I’ve recommended test p to a few guys who were on TRT. They are used to pinning and it clears out fast so you don’t put your TRT doc in a bad spot. Orals are crap IMO. Sometimes fun...
  13. D

    frequency of tren acetate injections

    Less pins. I hate going less than ED though, feels like a roller coaster to me. I also hate pinning ace so...
  14. D

    Shock about my trt test results

    IIRC tren specifically fucks up the estradiol reading. I’ve had deca make my test results come back really high as well. Good chance your test dose is just too high for TRT anyway. Either let the 19-nors clear or spring for the LC/MS test which won’t false positive on 19-nors. There is an FDA...
  15. D

    question about intramuscolar injections...

    Delts are my favorite. Always completely pain free. Ventroglutes are next in line. My quads seem to be full of nerves. Aspirating is just likely to make you more sore, its not really recommended anymore.