AAS use and DVT - Experience and questions about going forward


New member
I have several cycles under my belt.

Test -e 500/week for 16 weeks was my first

next was test/tren

later on I did a superdrol cycle which was really powerful but i didn't like the sides one bit. will never take this compound again without some SERIOUS liver protection as I had liver pain in the 2nd week on a low dosage.

I got back on a cycle a few years ago. Just plain old long-ester test. After 3 weeks I suddenly had mind numbing pain in my leg. I got a DVT.

Fast forward 3 years later and I have a condition that means I will never compete in bodybuilding ever. My leg that had dvt is permanently swollen.

I was bodybuilding back then, now I want to just improve my physique beyond natural means.

Anyone have any experience with aas? Which compounds cause thickening of blood and would create a risk of another dvt?

Is it even worth it to try? Or are my physique goals lost forever? I don't mind it taking 10 years, but I want a physique that cannot be achieved naturally. I am open to any suggestions on what compounds I can try.

I do believe that a few members around here have done gear and are very experienced with it.
what your are stats, weight, age, height, bf%?
so i never heard of your condition and just learned about it and sad to hear it happned to you bro.
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when a blood clot (thrombus) forms in one or more of the deep veins in your body, usually in your legs. Deep vein thrombosis can cause leg pain or swelling, but also can occur with no symptoms.
if one is doing gear and suspects thickened blood via blood work analysis we just donate blood to recover our levels and thin our blood out.
it is a great question as to what steroids thicken your blood. Anabolic steroid use increases stimulates the production of red blood cells and also increases the levels of haemoglobin (the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen) and haematocrit (the percentage of red blood cells in the blood). This can result in a condition known as testosterone***8211;induced polycythaemia or ***8220;sludging***8221;. This causes the blood to become thicker which can in some people trigger life threatening blood clots to form in the bloodstream.
I go this from another site, "The importance of blood work

The use of anabolic steroids can lead to a number of negative health consequences most notably with cardiovascular and liver health. By the time physical symptoms of these develop, permanent harm may already have been done. The safest medical advice that any health professional would give you is to stop using these due to their risks. However, if you chose to continue taking these supplements it is important to be vigilant for any signs you may be harming your health. As discussed in this blog some of these effects can be identified in blood work before physical symptoms become apparent. These are the blood tests we recommend which are included in our Sports Hormone Check:

Cholesterol status - there are many factors which contribute to your cardiovascular health. Your cholesterol (both high density and low density lipoproteins) and triglyceride levels are one risk factor we can assess by blood testing.
Inflammation ***8211; the biomarkers c-reactive protein and creatine kinase provide insight into cardiovascular disease and muscle damage.
Liver function test - your liver processes drugs and filters toxic chemicals. Liver damage is often evident from the assessment of liver enzymes and other key markers of liver function.
Kidney function test - your kidneys filter waste from your body. Extreme athletes are more at risk of kidney failure due to high protein intake, excessive muscle breakdown from intense exercise as well as anabolic steroid use. Measuring key waste products as well as electrolytes, minerals and glucose provides good insight into kidney function.
Full blood count ***8211; measuring steroid-induced increases in red blood cell count, haematocrit, and haemoglobin concentrations are important in determining the risk of heart attack or stroke.
Hormone profile ***8211; supplementing with anabolic steroids can cause changes in hormone profile over time. Key hormones to measure include the androgens testosterone and free testosterone, as well as FSH, LH and oestradiol."

good luck and keep us posted.
I would stay away from 19-nors as they have a bad reputation for increasing rbc/hematocrit. I’ve seen dramatic rises mine when using deca.