Recent content by el_mato

  1. el_mato

    Any painless or moderate pain winny 100mg oil based recipe?

    Hi guys, i have been researching for several days. I want to make oil based winny 100mg, painless or moderate pain. The best recipe i found is this: 75mg/ml 3%BA 20%BB 25%Guaiacol 100% EO as carrier oil Pain Factor: 4 of 10 I know there are a lot of labs selling painless oil based Winstrol...
  2. el_mato

    Fill Gelatin Capsules with Oil Suspension

    Yes cool dude, sorry, i read your post again. Thanks for your answer. I will play with fruit extracts to mask alcohol + peg taste. Thanks!
  3. el_mato

    Fill Gelatin Capsules with Oil Suspension

    Hi guys, i really can handle bad taste, but i want to give some stuff to my friends, and they are very "special". My friend tried to drink cialis oil suspension and he instantly vomited. So, question is simple, i want to make a suspension or solution and fill the gel cap with it, but: - Oil...
  4. el_mato

    Fill Gelatin Capsules with Oil Suspension

    Hi friends, i am trying to find best way to take orals. 1 - Solutions and suspensions tastes very bad 2 - Powder capping is time consuming I am thinking about making an oil suspension and fill gelatine capsules with it. I have read a lot of posts. Oil will destroy vegetarian gelatin caps. So...
  5. el_mato

    HCG who uses it???

    I have read HCG takes 30 minutes to die from is reconstituted. Is it true?
  6. el_mato

    Oil from Sex Shop

    Hello friends, can i use flavored oils from sex shop to make cialis in suspension? Can i cook olive oil adding ingredients to add flavor? Thanks :druggie:
  7. el_mato

    Can i use olive oil from supermarket?

    Hello, can i use olive oil from supermarket for making injectables? Must i sterilize it? How? Baking? Thanks!!
  8. el_mato


    I am 65.1 inches and i want to stay in 150lbs-160lbs with 7-8% bodyfat. I will use HGH too. If i do a cut diet and some cardio, i will not gain much bodyweight with TEST/EQ/WIN, i will gain lean mass, right??
  9. el_mato


    Yes, i know all Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) will inhibit my natural test production, but a lot of guys said me TREN is harder and i must wait to try it. Now, i am 168 cms height, 71 kgs and 14% bodyfat,more or less.
  10. el_mato


    Whats mean "pretty sick" friend? Do you reccomend me TREN? What about my natural test production?
  11. el_mato


    First Cycle was: WINSTROL/PRIMO--> Cut me a lot Second Cycle was: ANDRIOL(Oral Test)/DECA/WINSTROL/PRIMO--> Gain some lean mass and cut, but my libido descended drastically because DECA dossage was higher than TEST. My second cycle was two years ago.
  12. el_mato


    Hello friends, I want to begin a lean mass cycle in October. I would like to do TEST/EQ/WINSTROL or TEST/TREN/PRIMO. I am 23 years old and it will be my third cycle. I am a fighter and i dont want to be too big. Some guys not recommend me to use TREN beacuse i am very young. What do you think...
  13. el_mato

    TEST/DECA/EQ Appraise Your Opinion

    Any opinion? What do you thing about this cycle?
  14. el_mato

    TEST/DECA/EQ Appraise Your Opinion

    Hello, it is my friend's cycle. He is very big and strength, 121 KG. He is gym's monitor and amateur bodybuilder. He would like to do the next. PURPOSE = LEAN MASS WEEK 1: 500 Test, 200 Deca, 300 EQ WEEK 2: 500 Test, 200 Deca, 300 EQ WEEK 3: 500 Test, 300 Deca, 400 EQ WEEK 4: 500 Test, 300...
  15. el_mato

    Lean Mass Cycle & some DOUBTS

    Whats means EOD, ED and other similar words?