TEST/DECA/EQ Appraise Your Opinion


New member
Hello, it is my friend's cycle. He is very big and strength, 121 KG.
He is gym's monitor and amateur bodybuilder.
He would like to do the next. PURPOSE = LEAN MASS

WEEK 1: 500 Test, 200 Deca, 300 EQ
WEEK 2: 500 Test, 200 Deca, 300 EQ
WEEK 3: 500 Test, 300 Deca, 400 EQ
WEEK 4: 500 Test, 300 Deca, 400 EQ
WEEK 5: 200 Test, 150 Deca, 200 EQ
WEEK 6: 200 Test, 150 Deca, 200 EQ
WEEK 7: 150 Test, 300 EQ
WEEK 8: 150 Test, 300 EQ

I appraise your opinion. Thanks!! :)
My last cycle was similar to that one, but some minor differences.
I did not taper any of my compounds

I was doing 500mg of Sustanon (sust), 250mg of deca and 200 mg of EQ each week for 8 weeks(my gear was underfilled). Alot of guys will tell you not to run the EQ and Deca together, but there really is nothing wrong with it. I gained a solid 14lbs and held onto 10lbs after pct. My biggest complaint that I had while doing this cycle was that my blood pressure went through the roof. I am not really sure if it was the gear or the fact that my life was very stressfull at the time, but nevertheless im certain the gear contributed to the problem.

My next cycle this fall will not include EQ as I feel this was the culprit of my BP problem.
Looks very good except I don't think he needs to taper. Dropping the deca first is a good idea though, not many people do that and they should.
No need to taper.. Also for mild anabolics i would run it longer than 8 wks... I dont see why deca/eq couldnt go together. two differ a good bit