Recent content by ELicit23

  1. ELicit23

    Tren Bulking, Not clean diet approach and experiences needed

    I want my biceps to look like water balloons lol for some reason I lack roundness. You see like Phil Heath? All round and shit? I wonder if that's just genetic or certain fillers like pump n pose or just muscle maturity or all of the above. Is it cuz of my height? Or my long limbs?
  2. ELicit23

    Does this look real trenbolone

    I was getting trensomnia after the first pin with my lab LOL
  3. ELicit23

    Tren Bulking, Not clean diet approach and experiences needed

    LOL featherweight! I better get to eating !! :O
  4. ELicit23

    Tren Bulking, Not clean diet approach and experiences needed

    Depends on my weight when I'm shredded, isn't that how it goes? Like if I'm 210 super shredded aren't I supposed to compete against people my own weight? And I'm guessing NPC since they don't drug test?
  5. ELicit23

    Tren free is the way to be (until next time)

    I only feel like an asshole and if shit is horrible when I do equal parts test and Tren. When I go about TRT test and triple Tren I feel okay. Can't stay away from Tren though :( addicted?
  6. ELicit23

    Tren Bulking, Not clean diet approach and experiences needed

    Most recent. My biceps are my most laggy.
  7. ELicit23

    Tren Bulking, Not clean diet approach and experiences needed

    I don't think I'm that big (or have body dismorphia) lol I was 230 there after me and 3J got done with a cut and 2 weeks into a bulker. I was getting Vegas ready. I'm gonna continue with 3J and hopefully go over 245 in 20 weeks. Let's see... 20 weeks.. 1lb a week or 1.5... I think I can hit 250...
  8. ELicit23

    Tren Bulking, Not clean diet approach and experiences needed

    Thanks guys you're too kind :')
  9. ELicit23

    Tren Bulking, Not clean diet approach and experiences needed

    Pic of my b00bz. K yur turn guyz ;)
  10. ELicit23

    Tren Bulking, Not clean diet approach and experiences needed

    What's up peeps what this all about? We posting selfies? Looking like it. May I join?
  11. ELicit23

    "Kick in" time and muscle building.

    Thanks guys. Haha yea I tend to get super technical and anal (not literally LOL) about these things ... These things cost some good money I'm trying to reap the best benefits from them and my diet!