Recent content by fitness_fanatik

  1. F

    I need a rebuild cycle! (Ulcerative colitis)

    Its hard to not see it as a debilitating disease... but yes i can appreciate your advice on the viewpoint. I know ulcerative colitis and chrons are different, but they are also similar. does anyone have any insight or ideas as to weather anabolic use would leave me more susceptible to a flare...
  2. F

    I need a rebuild cycle! (Ulcerative colitis)

    The treatment plan is still in progress. Having just been released today I have a follow up in 4 weeks at which point a more effect alternative to the previous medication will be given. The prednisone will be discontinued entirely.
  3. F

    I need a rebuild cycle! (Ulcerative colitis)

    Hello everyone, This is probably more aimed at the vets around here but- to give you a background on myself I was previously 240lb at14-15% bf aged 21 with 2 light cycles under my belt. A year ago July I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis- a wasting disease- and lost 40lbs of muscle (if not...
  4. F

    overtraining in terms of sets/excercises?

    Hi Everyone, So I just recently did my 2nd Test cycle and threw in some tren. Stats 12 weeks 750 mgs (medistar) test and 50mg tren ace (medistar) EOD 8 weeks 197->228 in 8 weeks then cut down to 215 in the last 4 weeks alot of this was water weight. My main question is: Is it possible that I...
  5. F

    GHRP and CJC for deeper sleep purposes

    Hi everyone. So first off a little bit of background here: I have Add and am currently on adderall at 30 mgs a day. research shows that persons with ADD/ADHD do not get as full and restful of a sleep as those without. REM is 1/3-1/4th of the time of a normal person. I recently got my hands on a...
  6. F

    cycle 4 advice

    Hi Everyone, So I've decided to run Sustanon, Tren ace, and anadrol as my fourth cycle. This cycle is set to begin November 1st. Im going to run: sust @ 800mg/week tren ace at 75mg/eod and anadrol at either 50 or 100mg ed for the first 4 weeks. I also have nolvadex on hand as well as liquid...
  7. F

    Most "effective" cycles

    Hi guys, I was reading up on certain compounds and read that a lot of them fight for the same receptors. I want to build my next cycle to avoid that. Ive done 3 cycles so far one of which was botched to shit.... The last one was 75mg tren eod, 400mg boldenone undecyclate/week and about 650...
  8. F

    Summer cycle

    Hi guys, I ve run 2 test cycles before one enth the other Sustanon (sust) 10 weeks and 8 weeks. one was in July of 2011 the second in mid December 2011. what i'll have to work with eq 20mls @ 300mg sustanon 24ml @ 250mg tren ace 20ml @ 100mg My plan was to pin as follows: weeks 1-9 sustanon...
  9. F


    Hi guys, I wanted to prepare in advance for the cycle i want to run this summer ~mid may or early June. I ve run 2 test cycles before one enth the other sust 10 weeks and 8 weeks. one was in July of 2011 the second in mid December 2011. I currently have an injury to my Med and Lat collateral...
  10. F

    Chicken breast

    non stick frying pan, no oil medium high heat, score the chocken it makes it cook faster wait till the frying pan is hot throw in the chicken breast and keep tossing in a handful of water, the steam cooks the chicken way faster and hydrates the meat. you can add spices however... this method...
  11. F

    time between cycles

    I had almost no increase in hunger, I already eat about ~3500 calories regularly. i used clenbuterol alternating 2 weeks on one month off, to "stay lean" but since the shit was fake it kind of was useless. and sorry i forgot to include i'll be using GH throughout as well to ensure ligament and...
  12. F

    time between cycles

    Hey everyone, I did an 8 week cycle in the summer of test E however I'm sure the stuff was wayyy under dosed due to the fact that i was taking "750/mgs" a week and only gained 4 lbs (which i could almost do naturally). lifts didnt go up very much I.e. bench 225-250 So its been 9weeks and...
  13. F

    clen update w/ pics!

    yeah i'm 6'3". its fairly hard for me to cut down considering theres alot more actual body fat thats just spread out more.
  14. F

    clen update w/ pics!

    Hey guys, so a little while ago i posted a thread about Winstrol (winny) and clen. i decided to scrap the Winstrol (winny) and just do a straight clen cycle. dosages arr liquid clen 40 60 80 100 120 140 145 145 through to day 12 100 60 taurine and 92mgs potassium were supplemented after day 5...
  15. F

    win+ clen

    well i researched quite a bit about other aas but im new to winstrol and have never used it before so i was looking for a quick detailed answer to my question before reading 10 different articles that may or may not give me the answer im looking for.