Recent content by gorillaglue

  1. G

    Am I suffering from Enalarged heart this early on?

    Bacterial endocarditis is one of a few that comes to mind. Some steroids are not that healthy for the heart too, like deca for instance (studies available in human athletes). Cycling in general will cause some degree of cardiac hypertrophy over time last I checked. But most of the few...
  2. G

    Hypertension ON cycle!! Stop??

    With BP that high (190 systolic, holy shit), you should seek medical care for hypertension until things like external stressors settle down (the divorce and all). >160/100 with either number higher than the respective figure above is stage II HTN and probably needs medication if prolonged (not...
  3. G

    F*ckin with Andromass - An unbiased mini log + review

    Punching bag? I think Eric and other PP fellas initiated that. No one has been using these compounds before (weird DHEA esters), so anything's possible. Just b/c test suspension was invented in the 1930's, that really has little to do with the in vivo effects of these rather peculiar molecules...
  4. G

    Complete info on Beastdrol!

    The gains from Beastdrol/Superdrol are all lean and I can't get gyno from it? I've got so much to learn...:headshot:
  5. G

    Vial going down a little faster than it should be, need advice...

    I always pull some air into my syringe to clear the drawing needle before swapping out, so nothing is really lost there...but I do feel like a lot of labs are putting 9.X ml or so in their vials and calling it 10ml. Nature of the game I guess.
  6. G

    Whats wrong with my prop? Has crystals in it, is this ok?

    The crystals are steroid that has crashed. If you manage to draw up and inject a crystal with your oil, get ready for some pain (don't do it). If you start injecting any of it before getting the crystals back in solution (if you can-depends on how bad it is-google or search for how to uncrash...
  7. G

    High Prolactin on 600mg Test C?!

    Try cabergoline (pill form) at .25mg/wk. I've been doing this on my test and tren cycle and I got my bloodwork back today (week 13 or 14 of cycle) and my PRL was 1.0 (out of range low). If you can't get some cab pills (the liquid is basically worthless), then get some pramipexole liquid and...
  8. G

    Need some ideas on which oral to stack with my upcoming Test/Tren cycle (pics inside)

    That suddenly looks like my next cycle setup.:biggthump
  9. G

    Cycling Beastdrol?

    You don't need the Forma-stanzol on cycle. Your E2 should be pretty low on cycle using Beastdrol/Superdrol, so adding an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) could definitely crash your E2. I think you could use Forma-stanzol post cycle with your toremifene and not crash your E2. You could also use 1/2...
  10. G

    Cycling Beastdrol?

    x2. My personal stance is that you can add some OTC stuff to your PCT if you wish (call them adjuncts), and they may help/not help/make things worse/etc, but the core of PCT is still SERMs. I'm not in love with SERMs, and they have their own side effects, but they are tried and true, so I...
  11. G

    How do I get a NAPS discount code?

    Sounds accurate.
  12. G

    using an insulin syringe instead of a 3cc.part 2

    I agree with the above two posts. I know people who backload syringes, usually to get oil into a slin pin with a fixed needle after drawing with a 3cc body syringe and typical drawing needle gauge. But when you pull the plunger out of the syringe body and then push it back in, the syringe is...
  13. G

    Cycling Beastdrol?

    There are two types of aromatase inhibitors (AIs): Type I/Steroidal/Suicide Inhibitor of Aromatase-examples are Formestane and Aromasin and some others I forgot the names of. They are called suicide inhibitors b/c they act as a false substrate for the aromatase enzyme. Their molecular...
  14. G

    Cycling Beastdrol?

    I like Swale's breakdown of AR's approach to "discussions"; plenty of parallels here (sadly): Rationale for the Use of Aromasin with Tamoxifen During post cycle therapy (pct) - Page 3 - MESO-Rx The more I read, the less I am convinced of the value of a suicide or competitive aromatase...