Cycling Beastdrol?

Wondering which, would typically be capable of doing more damage to your overall health, doing Beastdrol, or pinning Tren Acetate for 2-3x as long? I did Tren Acetate before but only around 80mg EOD. Also are there any supplements I should have before doing tren(I know this could go in the AAS forum, but this question involves both compounds). I have Nolvadex and Arimidex.
Yeah I'll definately post a log. I'll take some pre-cycle measurements before I start and follow up with them when I'm done. I'm effing stoked lol
you know whats really amazing, after reading the 'need2' explanation to the quality of sounded eerily familiar to something iv read from anthony roberts........

Aromasin-Nolvadex post cycle therapy (pct)

its actually pretty much 'stolen' seeing it was never cited, and it seems as tho aromasin was replaced by forma-stanzol where ever can be

writing some long ass explanation will not go over my head and get me to break for your products

good attempt tho.....bro

LMAO Ya everything I just wrote, the entire right up was swipped right from Ar's write up lmao... I have forgotten far more on the subject then you have ever read bro. And I will call who ever I please bro any time I like.

Since I have made no attacks at you what so ever but you feel the need to talk down to me and act like a jerk. Well then you can be a different definition of the word. When ever you see me calling you bro instead of thinking I want to be your friend you can be this one

"An alpha male idiot. This is the derogatory sense of the word (common usage in the western US): white, 16-25 years old, inarticulate, belligerent, talks about nothing but chicks and beer, drives a jacked up truck that’s plastered with stickers, has rich dad that owns a dealership or construction business and constantly tells this to chicks at parties, is into extreme sports that might be fun to do but are uncool to claim (wakeboarding, dirt biking, lacrosse), identifies excessively with brand names, spends a female amount of money on clothes and obsesses over his appearance to a degree that is not socially acceptable for a heterosexual male.

So Use that description of the word Bro when you see me calling you bro you can now be this kind of bro to me. My little bro!!!

Word to the wise, so you don't look like such a "An alpha male idiot" next time you want to play the tough guy " I'm not your friend so don't call me bro" bull shit. You might want to pay attention and not use the word at the end of your post. With how o so masterfully observant you claimed to be you missed that one BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now how about More like one Paragraph in his article looks like one paragraph in my 17 Paragraph long forum post. Hardly a exact Replaca in any sense of the word bro bro broye bro bro, bestest best bro of mine. Frankly its not even close , but ya that one paragraph is lmao... Must of been where I pulled that paragraph of my explanation from. Forgive me I will remember to Let Ar know I used some of his work when I call him today for what will be our 20th conversation of the week.

Now what you can do is go back and make sure you give credit to every source you got the info you posted from. Fuck it lets brake it down into sentences. Why stop at small paragraphs? Or are you going to act like you fell out of your mothers pussy with all the steroid knowledge you have now?.. Give me a brake little broby
you learned every single once of what you know from some one else and some other Article and in fact you don't have one single little nugget of original thoughts on these subjects.

Nothing on any forum, in any post, in any thread you have made. Not one single word you have spoken on this subject or any other chemical enhancement subject, on any forum across the net at any time in your internet life have you come up with a original thought or Idea,. Evrything you have said here and everyone else you have gotten from some where or some one else.

And stop acting like you dont have motives little bro. Because I am not your avg joe Smoe . Mr under cover Primordialperformance rep .You Don't even Honesty,integrity, or enough respect for others to be truthfully about who you are and what you are really on this forum doing here.
Primordial Performance Discussion Forums - View Profile: djm6464

But you have the fucking audacity to point a finger at me??? At least I am open and honest bro. Go through your 200 and something post on this site and your sneaking into all the pp threads dropping settle bumps and product name drops all over. Please try and act like you got some kind of pure and honest motives here bro? Your the worst kind of person bro... you cant even be honest you have to be sneaky and hide like a cowered pr better yet a snake. Pointing the finger at others well all the wile slithering around in the dark. Go ahead anyone search through his post on this site ^^ or do a search on hisname on the net and serch all his post on other places as well as being a mod no the pp forum to start with. Hypocrite!!! Hell even worse then that.

Look at you sitting here talking all of this shit...

In one post in this thread you point your snake little tongue at me and say "i will never believe an otc supplement can compete with a serm like torem,
regardless of what kind of exotic herbal concoction is printed on the label"

And then here you are on another forum Shilling it the fuck up for primordial performance
talking a turinabol-androhard- cycle and then going on about how awesome your
TRS + TCF-1 post cycle therapy (pct) is going to be... Shit
you made that thread on 05-06-2010. so it begs the questions??? Were you pretending to be a dumb newb to help market products or were you nothing more then a newblit no less then 7 months ago and now you are in this thread trying to act like you know something???? Please the people are dieing to know bro? I think since you are a mod over on Primordals site that thread had to have been made as a fake ass product pushing gimick thread.

And that is not all I got you All over other sites across the net shilling up that all otc product line for post cycle therapy (pct). How Pathatic you are in thinking I cant spot a product rep from 200000 miles away BRO!!!!

I been around the block more times then you have looked down it. SO go back to the little buddy who spoon fed you these post you have made and ask them for some more help.. You got caught with your pants down trying to fuck with the big boys bro!!!

You dare sit here and call into question my
marketing stile with these skeletons in your closest????? Don't fool your self into thinking I don't know a lot of shit I respectful keep to my self. Dont come barking up my tree with your accusations unless you are all good and ready for me to blast back with some of my own. Your no saint as we can see and you have been exposed for what you really are. Please come back with some bullshit because trust me I got soooooooooo much more I respectfully kept to my self.

As for the products and there reviews. Do a google search on form stanzol reviews and you will have plenty of them.. More then enough to keep you reading for days...

Get your act together before you come pointing fingers at me. Because I will tare you up without even trying

DAAMMNN!! Hahahahaha that was entertaining lol.. Thanks for hyjacking my thread! (jk) Lovin' the aggression, but it's the holidays so how 'bout cheers all around!!! By the way, just got in my Beast and Forma... now just waitin on the on the Torem!
DAAMMNN!! Hahahahaha that was entertaining lol.. Thanks for hyjacking my thread! (jk) Lovin' the aggression, but it's the holidays so how 'bout cheers all around!!! By the way, just got in my Beast and Forma... now just waitin on the on the Torem!

You will really like the BEAST; great choice on running FORMA (you will be glad you did).
Some advice: A lot of people make the mistake of not keeping the protien and calories high so make sure you keep them high while your on BEAST and you will be beyond happy.
You will really like the BEAST; great choice on running FORMA (you will be glad you did).
Some advice: A lot of people make the mistake of not keeping the protien and calories high so make sure you keep them high while your on BEAST and you will be beyond happy.

I totally agree with this, I have a client who has run beast twice and his results were MUCH MUCH more superior when the protein and calories were both kept high!!
Word to the wise, so you don't look like such a "An alpha male idiot" next time you want to play the tough guy " I'm not your friend so don't call me bro" bull shit. You might want to pay attention and not use the word at the end of your post. With how o so masterfully observant you claimed to be you missed that one BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now how about More like one Paragraph in his article looks like one paragraph in my 17 Paragraph long forum post. Hardly a exact Replaca in any sense of the word bro bro broye bro bro, bestest best bro of mine. Frankly its not even close , but ya that one paragraph is lmao... Must of been where I pulled that paragraph of my explanation from. Forgive me I will remember to Let Ar know I used some of his work when I call him today for what will be our 20th conversation of the week.

Now what you can do is go back and make sure you give credit to every source you got the info you posted from. Fuck it lets brake it down into sentences. Why stop at small paragraphs? Or are you going to act like you fell out of your mothers pussy with all the steroid knowledge you have now?.. Give me a brake little broby
you learned every single once of what you know from some one else and some other Article and in fact you don't have one single little nugget of original thoughts on these subjects.

Nothing on any forum, in any post, in any thread you have made. Not one single word you have spoken on this subject or any other chemical enhancement subject, on any forum across the net at any time in your internet life have you come up with a original thought or Idea,. Evrything you have said here and everyone else you have gotten from some where or some one else.

And stop acting like you dont have motives little bro. Because I am not your avg joe Smoe . Mr under cover Primordialperformance rep .You Don't even Honesty,integrity, or enough respect for others to be truthfully about who you are and what you are really on this forum doing here.
Primordial Performance Discussion Forums - View Profile: djm6464

But you have the fucking audacity to point a finger at me??? At least I am open and honest bro. Go through your 200 and something post on this site and your sneaking into all the pp threads dropping settle bumps and product name drops all over. Please try and act like you got some kind of pure and honest motives here bro? Your the worst kind of person bro... you cant even be honest you have to be sneaky and hide like a cowered pr better yet a snake. Pointing the finger at others well all the wile slithering around in the dark. Go ahead anyone search through his post on this site ^^ or do a search on hisname on the net and serch all his post on other places as well as being a mod no the pp forum to start with. Hypocrite!!! Hell even worse then that.

Look at you sitting here talking all of this shit...

In one post in this thread you point your snake little tongue at me and say "i will never believe an otc supplement can compete with a serm like torem,
regardless of what kind of exotic herbal concoction is printed on the label"

And then here you are on another forum Shilling it the fuck up for primordial performance
talking a turinabol-androhard- cycle and then going on about how awesome your
TRS + TCF-1 pct is going to be... Shit
you made that thread on 05-06-2010. so it begs the questions??? Were you pretending to be a dumb newb to help market products or were you nothing more then a newblit no less then 7 months ago and now you are in this thread trying to act like you know something???? Please the people are dieing to know bro? I think since you are a mod over on Primordals site that thread had to have been made as a fake ass product pushing gimick thread.

And that is not all I got you All over other sites across the net shilling up that all otc product line for post cycle therapy (pct). How Pathatic you are in thinking I cant spot a product rep from 200000 miles away BRO!!!!

I been around the block more times then you have looked down it. SO go back to the little buddy who spoon fed you these post you have made and ask them for some more help.. You got caught with your pants down trying to fuck with the big boys bro!!!

You dare sit here and call into question my
marketing stile with these skeletons in your closest????? Don't fool your self into thinking I don't know a lot of shit I respectful keep to my self. Dont come barking up my tree with your accusations unless you are all good and ready for me to blast back with some of my own. Your no saint as we can see and you have been exposed for what you really are. Please come back with some bullshit because trust me I got soooooooooo much more I respectfully kept to my self.

As for the products and there reviews. Do a google search on form stanzol reviews and you will have plenty of them.. More then enough to keep you reading for days...

Get your act together before you come pointing fingers at me. Because I will tare you up without even trying


- quite obvious the sarcasm illuded your intelligence...bro(ill use yourdefinition here as well)

-100% agree on the 2nd point, you are right there

-if i was 'hiding' as you put it, why the hell do i use the same handle....also as a moderator, you mod the site, as in i dont push products....if you could fkn read, you would know that even on, i tend to be very unbiased and have actually put down alot of their stuff
Supplements that didnt work - Primordial Performance Discussion Forums

and for the log, it was done on CYCLE - Primordial Performance Discussion Forums
and again if you can fkn read......i used TOREMIFENE as my i dont trust any otc pct out there, and beastdrol/sd is much more supressive than that stack, hence the advice i gave to the op, which you blatantly called 'too much', and went on to push your products and multiple cream applications and pill dosings, only to call it simpler?

btw, and you would know.....guys dont fall ass backwards into being moderators, maybe at need2 (i saw the thread), but at primordial, i built a solid reputation of giving out good advice and knowing my stuff, over the course of a year, well passed when that was put up,then i was named a moderator

a company rep's job is to cruise the net looking out for their company....but you would know that wouldnt you

a supporter's job is to be planted and help push products incognito style.......that would be hard for me to do seeing im a mod on the home site, and use the same handle on any site i visit

so dont come at me with this schilling garbage

you can spot a product rep heh, get your eyes checked champ

-as for checking the logs on forma, im sure there is some good ones, like i said in my post, i admire you standing by your product.....however i would never trust an otc pct for any sd clone

and seeing your forma is being put to bed by the fda soon, i dont need to check those logs, as the product's life expectancy is going to be short (ill side with you here in that ill assume we can both agree the fda sucks,and need to find better things to do)

-btw in all you rant, i still dont see any reason as to why you conveniently left aromasin out of your previous post, when the bulk of it is pretty much referring to that said compound only being replaced by forma??????

you can fire back again, im game, but we are hijacking this thread
I think Tore and Forma are a great combo, I aint big on arguing but all suicidal AI's are a must during pct.
I think Tore and Forma are a great combo, I aint big on arguing but all suicidal AI's are a must during pct.

i have a test/var pct coming up in jan, my plan was torem/aromasin, works great and lets you lower the serm dose

i think the arguing got out of hand, and got away from the op's question

we ALL agree on the same pct protocol, just not the same AI

should the op go the torem/forma route, the goal is for a successful post cycle therapy (pct), and we want that for the dude too, not that the forma isnt as good as advertised and his pct
damn that is a real heavy loaded pct right there bro.. I think this is the best and most piratical way of running this cycle bro.

1-4 beastdrol 1 cap 3 times a day
1-4 katanadrol 250mg every day ( optional)
1-4 n2guard 7 caps a day
1-4 hcgenerate 5 caps ed spread out.
4-8 unleashed/post cycle 1 cap of each 3 times a spread out
4-8 forma-stanzol 5 pumps am and pm every day

Again this is just the best and most piratical way of running the cycle. You got your bad ass beastdrol for the sick gains ( and believe me they are just simple sick gains to say the least). Then you got your N2guard which covers every single health aspect you can think of from heart health to the liver and Kidneys. Its got androgen receptor up regulators, its got Cholesterol support, and it even has your daily Multi vitamin. It is a complete all in one health/cycle support supplement made for the hard core steroid users.

Then you got your hcgenerate which helps to prevent shut down of the hormone cascade from the GnRH to Lh its got you covered and sex drive will go through the sky rather then the floor, which can happen on a lot of cycles. It also has the ability to add gains to a cycle by lowering shbg which is one of the bodies mechanisms of action for reaching Homeostasis ( aka stopping your gains and or lowering them) As well as many other benefits of use. Hcgnerate will do a number of things for you well on the cycle my friend.. including the following.

1. Promote healthy glucose levels and healthy sugar metabolism By assisting the pancreas in production of insulin.

2. bind to and "act like" and "exhibit" testosterone "like activity" At the muscles receptor cells with out having any effect on test production its self what so ever.

3. Promote the secondary messenger to nitric oxide thus almost like a NO product.

4. Heightens sexual arousal. by a number of mechanisms one of which (but not limated too) is by Up regulating androgen/sex hormone receptors in the brain. So in other words it makes them respond better.

5. hase an positive effect on Igf. as well as
protective effect on Leydig cell steroidogenesis

6.pramotes Anabolic Balance During Endurance Exercise

7. Increasing libido, improving sports performance, increasing fertility, and activating the enzymes that metabolize the various androgens.

8. An ability to increase DHEA and free testosterone, well decreasing Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG), improve HDL, modulate cortisol, and increase IGF-1 level<-- shit did I say that already lol

Then after that you have your formastanzol during post cycle therapy (pct). During pct anyone will tell you that you need a serm and almost all the board self proclaimed gururs will tell you that you should also have an AI,,

Forma-stanxzol is both a suicide aromatase inhibitor and a serm as well so it covers both. The added unleashed and post cycle will help restore your test levels to normal quickly.

Then I think its best to also add the phytoserm-347 but its not a must. The hcgenerate during the cycle will prevent a complete shut down though. If you cant get the hcgenerate for on cycle then yes defiantly use the phytoserm-347 after.

You can go on and on with a list of bad ass supplements,otc steroids and other things you can add to the cycle, pct or even after pct with product like Bridge.. But Lets face it the supplement industry has its product and or company Ta'sucks but these days there is also a shit ton of good products out there that work..

Good luck bro

Thanks alot Needtogetaas for simplifying it. I'm still wet behind the ears when it comes to PH or steroid use and all the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and PCT supplements that come with it. It seems like everytime I go to order the HCGenerate its out of stock lol Hopefully it comes in soon I'm getting antsy ha. Should I be taking liver treatments before I start the cycle or is the N2Guard during cycle good enough?

burning wii games
copying wii games
Thanks alot Needtogetaas for simplifying it. I'm still wet behind the ears when it comes to PH or steroid use and all the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and post cycle therapy (pct) supplements that come with it. It seems like everytime I go to order the HCGenerate its out of stock lol Hopefully it comes in soon I'm getting antsy ha. Should I be taking liver treatments before I start the cycle or is the N2Guard during cycle good enough?

burning wii games
copying wii games


You've made 2 posts to this forum and both of them have been posts ripped from myself and the OP (aries), respectively, and posted on this thread.

Why don't you just say "Mommy, my Wii nunchuck is stuck up my ass again"?

Try to have an original thought...or better yet, answer some of the OP's questions. Otherwise, WTF are you doing here?

Your post makes you look like an alpha male idiot. No agenda here and no disrespect intended; just a frank observation. Take it for what it's worth.
What amazes me is that someone actually read AR's stuff, lol. (AC)

I like Swale's breakdown of AR's approach to "discussions"; plenty of parallels here (sadly):

Truman--How can any debate--much less a "friendly debate"--ensue when it's always the same tactics by Roberts:

(1) Accuse anyone who posts simple fact (obviously in opposition to whatever nonsense he has written) of "misrepresenting" what he wrote (even when it is a direct quote).

(2) [when that doesn't work] Accuse the poster of creating a "straw man". That's getting old, too.

(3) [when that doesn't work] Try to attack the general character of the poster.

(4) [when that doesn't work, still] Go off on a totally obtuse tangent about how being a rugby player or how much weight he can lift, automatically qualifies him as an expert on Endocrinology, and/or how no one who has not actually done massive amounts of steroids could possibly know anything about them. Think of all the scientists in the world. I love that one!

(5) [actually sprinkled all through, perhaps starting from step #1] Liberal use of childish name calling.

These sure are the tactics of someone with intellectual competence in the topics at hand, eh?

It is a well established fact that Roberts ALWAYS refuses to engage in any meaningful dialogue with anyone who knows more than him about this stuff. And that includes anyone who knows anything.

Rationale for the Use of Aromasin with Tamoxifen During post cycle therapy (pct) - Page 3 - MESO-Rx

The more I read, the less I am convinced of the value of a suicide or competitive aromatase inhibitor during post cycle therapy (pct). I'll personally stick with just a SERM (torem) for now. But to each his own.
Real quick, what do you guys mean by "suicide" as opposed to SERM?

There are two types of aromatase inhibitors (AIs):

Type I/Steroidal/Suicide Inhibitor of Aromatase-examples are Formestane and Aromasin and some others I forgot the names of. They are called suicide inhibitors b/c they act as a false substrate for the aromatase enzyme. Their molecular structures look like androstenediol or a similar aromatizable androgen; they also have mild-moderately androgenic/sterodial metabolites. The aromatase enzyme irreversibly binds to the substrate (the molecule of formestane or aromasin) and is rendered permanently inactive. The body compensates by producing more aromatase enzyme, so you can't wipe out aromatase for good (that would be very bad anyway).

Type II/Non-steroidal/Competitive Inhibitor of Aromatase. Examples include letrozole, arimidex, and others that I also forgot the names of. They are competitive inhibitors in that they compete for the aromatase enzyme. If they bind to the aromatase enzyme, the bind IS reversible. When you stop taking one of these AIs, as the drug leaves your system, the drug simply unbinds from the aromatase enzyme (rather than having been bound to it permanently and rendering it inactive permanently as with the suicide type AIs).

SERMs don't inhibit aromatase; they either agonize or antagonize the estrogen receptor (ER) and prevent estrogen from binding to said receptor. SERMs include nolvadex, toremifene, clomiphene, raloxifene, etc.

IMO, a SERM is a must during post cycle therapy (pct) with heavily suppresive compounds like Beastdrol (the Superdrol clone, right?), but an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is optional. Some feel that there is an estrogen rebound with compounds like Superdrol and opt to include an aromatase inhibitor. The general thinking has been that suicide type aromatase inhibitors are better in post cycle therapy (pct) than competitive types b/c the suicide types supposedly don't have as much of an estrogen rebound effect themselves...but as I read more, I am coming up with conflicting viewpoints from well-respected individuals (e.g., suicide type AIs may actually be worse for rebound, etc). The prior line of thinking was that letro and arimidex would cause worse E2 rebound b/c as they exit your system whenn you stop using them, a lot of previously occupied aromatase enzyme is suddenly available to aromatase whatever aromatizable androgens are in your system (androstenediol/dione, testosterone, etc). I'm not sure which class is worse for E2 rebound and I'm sure some of it is dose and AI-strength dependent (level of E2 suppression-related IOW), so I am inclined to just not use AIs in my post cycle therapy (pct)s unless it seemed like my E2 was elevated for some reason (in the absence of bloodwork to confirm). I've seen solid post cycle therapy (pct) suggestions for a SERM+Type I Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and a SERM+Type II Aromatase inhibitor (AI), so I guess you will have to read more if interested and draw your own conclusions.

Something like a SERM + Forma-stanzol would probably be fine for a post cycle therapy (pct) for this cycle b/c formestane is not nearly as strong as aromasin (but still be careful; overuse of topical formestane can still be strong enough to crash or nearly crash your E2 levels-I've seen 4 and 8 week solo formestane labwork to back this up-and you definitely don't want your E2 in the gutter).

E2=Estradiol=the primary and most potent endogenous estrogen in the body.

Some people have good results using formestane in their post cycle therapy (pct)s, but I have just never been a fan personally, so I just go with what works for me.

Good luck; hope that helps; etc.