Recent content by HitItHrd21

  1. H


    i have also been told to run the test higher than the
  2. H


    I am 26 yrs old 6'1" 209lbs..i have heard and read deca does absolutely help with the joints but again i dont think i would run it alone especially at ur age..but yes 300mgs a wk seemed to work good!
  3. H


    i just finished a deca only cycle at 300mgs a week for ten weeks and got great results...I got lucky and avoided the deca dick and loss of labido but i learned of this all after starting my cycle..Now knowing what i know i would not run it alone again..i would deff throw in some test if i were...
  4. H

    Fav Food while on AAS?

    sushi/steak pizzzzaaa sugar free pudding and fat free cool whip
  5. H

    deca cycle help!!!

    If i did a poll i think we are at 50-50 right now lol...i know post cycle therapy (pct) is most of important and i deff want to hit it right..i got clomid on hand and can get hcg which it seems like i should..given these what should my post cycle therapy (pct) look like if i go ten weeks with...
  6. H

    Pain in glute

    I ran into the same problem and after research i came to the coclusion of scartissue and switched sides and then it worked fine..sounds like the same scenario bro..
  7. H

    Kick ass workout tunes

    Go for Rage Against the Machine first album start to finish..or any growling metal i.e- in flames, shadows fall, old mans child...shit will get the blood flowing!!!
  8. H

    deca cycle help!!!

    thanx for the input guys.. how much mgs of test-e a wk...and one more thing should i run the hcg after the test and between the clomid or just wait two weeks after lost shot of test and just run clomid at 50mg ed..thanx again
  9. H

    deca cycle help!!!

    no libido problems or sides as of yet just lookin for best option from this point on......thanx
  10. H

    deca cycle help!!!

    hey bros lookin for a little 6"1 208 9-10%bf 26yrs old...been training for 5 yrs..after talking to some guys in the gym i started a deca 300mg a wk cycle now entering my 7th week(1st cycle by the way)..after finding this websight and seeing how much knowledge is floating around i...