
just diabetic

New member
i wanted to know if iused just deca,would i show good results,or should i stack it with tes.i was just thinking of useing deca because im diabetic,and i didnt want to put to much strain on my kidnease.any rrecamendations would
be helpfull.
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I personally don't recommend a deca only cylce. You'll see as you search and browse the deca dick issues. I've personally have done a deca only with great results but as said, don't recommend it and wouldn't do it again myself. If you can some Test cyp or enan use this only if it's your first cycle. I can't comment on the diabetic issues you have but am sure the others can help. what kind of doseage are you looking at? and of course stats, age, experience, training...
I personally don't recommend a deca only cylce. You'll see as you search and browse the deca dick issues. I've personally have done a deca only with great results but as said, don't recommend it and wouldn't do it again myself. If you can some Test cyp or enan use this only if it's your first cycle. I can't comment on the diabetic issues you have but am sure the others can help. what kind of doseage are you looking at? and of course stats, age, experience, training...
I agree with Food. With most compounds regardles one usually needs at least a lil Test.
Also, because of your pre-existing condition, I would make sure to talk to a lot of people and do more research than don;t want to fuck up your body in a perm way.
Old Balls said:
Also, because of your pre-existing condition, I would make sure to talk to a lot of people and do more research than don;t want to fuck up your body in a perm way.

With the above being said and evrything checks out, why don't you just do a low dose Test E only cycle? Is this your 1st go around with AAS?
Personally I would never run it alon as stated above, and also I dont use deca as it gives me far from what test does.
tihis will be my first cycle,i was leaning towrds a tes only cycle.ive been a consistant lifter for about 6 years,im 29 years old.i used to weigh 235,now i droped weight
to 195,ive been diabetic for 10 years.for a while now my diet and everything has been looking to do a little mma fighting thats why the drastic weight looking to be a solid 205-215,i dont know what dose i should use im up to any sugestions.i also did want to know when i stop my cycle, how hard is it to maintaine or once i stop will i lose everthing.
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Just wanted to throw my opinion in: I have run deca alone with great results. I found 500 mg/week to be effective. The gains are solid/excellent quality. I also like the test cyp (500mg) and deca stack for excellent size gains, but be sure to run some nova with the test.
txrunner said:
Just wanted to throw my opinion in: I have run deca alone with great results. I found 500 mg/week to be effective. The gains are solid/excellent quality. I also like the test cyp (500mg) and deca stack for excellent size gains, but be sure to run some nova with the test.
at what dose were you running the deca and what are your stats..peace
i just finished a deca only cycle at 300mgs a week for ten weeks and got great results...I got lucky and avoided the deca dick and loss of labido but i learned of this all after starting my cycle..Now knowing what i know i would not run it alone again..i would deff throw in some test if i were u..I gained about 18 lbs and kept about 10-12 after pct..the strength i gained from this cycle was amazing..this was also my first ever Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cycle..but all i have to say is research research research and u wont run it alone after doing so..goodluck and eat a shitload
HitItHrd21 said:
i just finished a deca only cycle at 300mgs a week for ten weeks and got great results...I got lucky and avoided the deca dick and loss of labido but i learned of this all after starting my cycle..Now knowing what i know i would not run it alone again..i would deff throw in some test if i were u..I gained about 18 lbs and kept about 10-12 after pct..the strength i gained from this cycle was amazing..this was also my first ever Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cycle..but all i have to say is research research research and u wont run it alone after doing so..goodluck and eat a shitload
I did the exact same cycle when I was in my mid 30's and also got great results with no sides. How old are you? I'm now in my 40's and I'm looking to do another Deca cycle at 300mgs a week (I've got tennis elbow in both arms - I'm told the Deca will help this) with 200mgs of Test E a week also. I'm 6' , weigh 195 and my bodyfat is 12%. Looking to get to 210-215.
oldfella said:
I did the exact same cycle when I was in my mid 30's and also got great results with no sides. How old are you? I'm now in my 40's and I'm looking to do another Deca cycle at 300mgs a week (I've got tennis elbow in both arms - I'm told the Deca will help this) with 200mgs of Test E a week also. I'm 6' , weigh 195 and my bodyfat is 12%. Looking to get to 210-215.
I am 26 yrs old 6'1" 209lbs..i have heard and read deca does absolutely help with the joints but again i dont think i would run it alone especially at ur age..but yes 300mgs a wk seemed to work good!
I have done a Polysterone cycle about 4 months ago, and now i'm running a Deca-durabolin only cycle, i'm already expiencing DECA DICK, i didn't know I have to add testestorone to prevent deca dick, i'm now entering my fourth week of the deca cycle, ( i'm using 1ml per week). Can I just add testestorene to eliminate the deca dick?? and after i stop with the cycle of deca, how long would it take for my deca dick to go away without using the testestorone??? (i'm only 19 years old)
i love deca because i have alot of joint injuries nothing else is as effective.i stay on low to moderate doses year round.but for size stack it for sure.
DecaAruba said:
I have done a Polysterone cycle about 4 months ago, and now i'm running a Deca-durabolin only cycle, i'm already expiencing DECA DICK, i didn't know I have to add testestorone to prevent deca dick, i'm now entering my fourth week of the deca cycle, ( i'm using 1ml per week). Can I just add testestorene to eliminate the deca dick?? and after i stop with the cycle of deca, how long would it take for my deca dick to go away without using the testestorone??? (i'm only 19 years old)

Your using 1ml per week? That tells us nothing how many mg/ml is your deca?
How many weeks is your cycle?