Fav Food while on AAS?


New member
Just wondering what your favorite food while on the gear is...

1. Fav strict food while on diet?
2. Fav cheat food?
3. Fav dessert that is healthy?

Add the recipes if you have them, just trying to find some new foods to stuff down lately just the usual shit.
Why does it have to be on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) my favorite food is my favorite food.
Grilled salmon
pork tenderloin
milk--I love it
Lemon dill marinated salmon/chedder broccoli/whole grain rice/cottage cheese.


peanut butter/whey protein shake
outlawtas2 said:
hmmm how do you make that?

I use 1 cup of Oatmeal and about 2Tbsp of peanut butter (Crunchy)...

First put the Oatmeal in a bowl, add HOT water than PB...Mix it up an PB will melt into it...Its good...Nice calorie, protein, carb, snack...
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1. Fav strict food while on diet: Chicken
2. Fav cheat food: Breakfast (Sausage, homefries, reg. eggs, bacon etc..)
3. Fav dessert that is healthy: I don't eat desert, don't like sweets