Recent content by ihavenoclue

  1. I

    PCT protocol for long shut down and libido

    I never fully recovered my natural test, my lab work was all normal after 4 weeks of pct, but the repeat labs 4 weeks later showed low t. I spoke with the MD and he wanted me to do a trt dose. Only problem is my MD does not want to include HCG or Adex, he just wants the Test. It is obviously a...
  2. I

    PCT protocol for long shut down and libido

    Hey all, I'm coming off a long cycle about 24 weeks followed by 18 weeks of 100mg cyp a week and e3d .25 mg adex. Original cycle was prop 500mg wk, primo 500 wk, adex .25mg eod. This is the pct I'm looking at, just need some ideas, since I've been on and shut down for a while. HCG 500ius daily...
  3. I

    endurance ?

    I have a question for endurance....I'm 6"2 230 ,and natural endomorph, about 18 to 20% BF....I've run into an endurance problem. I'm currently training for something special in the military, and have to be able to do over 100 sit ups,push up, and flutter kicks. Now I can do all 100 but can't...
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    endos only

    Ok, so I'm 6"2 230...I'm a decntly muscular guy, but the problem is I am an full blown endomorph. Now I've spent money on any type of product legal or not to work around this. Thing is everytime I try to get to a low BF% I always lose muscle and get extremely weaker. Functioning on low carbs and...
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    Just seems that its so hard, even at my smallest weight I still am not even able to have that ripped, lean, look.
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    So, I'm a military man, you know early morning pt, push up, sit up, pull up and dips. I found they give me better definition than lifting heavy with weight. Please I do, do extra works out not just the basic pt . As for the running is a little bit of hiking and walking, I try to keep a normal...
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    hey, im an full blown endomorph, you know short limbs big question is i need help drop my body fat percentage. Ive done a lot of cycles before, and have realy bad genetics. I can put muscle on no problem, but keeping the water and fat percentage low is a real problem. Im 6'1 230...
  8. I

    Day 11 of stanozolol

    I've done Winstrol (winny) only a couple of times with right diet and cardio you can become very vascular. Eq is great to run with. Joint pain sucks after a few weeks. But overall there will definitly be a huge cut in water weight. Boss Oyama your having trouble sleeping? Has this occured...
  9. I

    Clomid and winny

    Ok so I did my last shot of test prop and my final shot of eq 400 and 600mg I wanna run a 6 week Winstrol (winny) cycle. Should I wait and take the post cycle therapy (pct) or can I take clomid and Winstrol (winny) at the same time. I know Winstrol (winny) will shut you down and I'm already shut...
  10. I

    Animal cuts on cycle good or bad ?

    You really think I would post something about vitAmins?!? First off did you even read the part about FAT BURNER. It's a mix off a lot of shit including diuretics, I would use it after cycle but I was kind of hoping it'll burn a little more fat while I'm on this cycle.
  11. I

    Abs Exercises

    I'm just speaking from my small amount of exp. But first abs are best done with your diet maybe, you should try eating more often, but you never posted you diet. Second there are many routines you can look for videos online. Third you need to explain what you want you abs to do, whether you want...
  12. I

    Animal cuts on cycle good or bad ?

    On so my current cycle is 400mg prop 1-8 400mg eq 1-12 50 mg Winstrol (winny) 6-12 clomid for post cycle therapy (pct) My question is do you think it's safe to run the animal cuts fat burner while doing these. I mean my blood pressure definitly rises when I'm on a cycle I just never tried...
  13. I

    would you inject orange?

    Thank you to everyone who still hasn't told me if they think it's bad or not. I know prop hurts but after a while you get used to it. Ps prop is like 10 -15% more effective than test c or e. It also gives you more constant blood levels as well as allowing you to do a shorter cycle than those of...
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    would you inject orange?

    so the Vial is a BD testabol prop. 200mg theres a dragon on the rubber stopper, which is air tight, no open leaks that i can see. The only thing i can see is the that rubber stopper looks like it was put on wrong....the stopper is bubbles like an egg on a basketball. I mean other than the color...
  15. I

    Triax pharm

    Lol anybody