Recent content by In-Human

  1. I

    Smith Machine VS Free Weights

    Funny thread, I like hamburger but I think steak is better, geez...
  2. I

    Is extreme protein needed?

    Show me someone who is stagnated with gains and 9 times out of 10 its diet, and more importantly the protein grams taken in on a daily basis...
  3. I

    Starting DC training tomorrow

    90% of the trainees do the 2 way split, lifting three times per week, if you think you can train more then you are not intense enough on this program...
  4. I

    Starting DC training tomorrow

    I love this guy, did I tell you nice shirt...
  5. I

    Starting DC training tomorrow

    See this is where most guys go wrong, they think if they go "on" then they will be able to lift more often, this program is for intense but brief workouts, and just think, if you are more intense, you will lift more weight and progress that much faster the way the program is laid out, plus your...
  6. I

    Starting DC training tomorrow

    I like to keep my trainees progressing with weight, so if you stay more on the low end of the rep range and you can at least add 5-10 lbs per side every rotation this will be a huge increase at the end of the year...
  7. I

    Starting DC training tomorrow

    I agree and by the way, cute shirt honey...
  8. I

    Starting DC training tomorrow

    CAPS BELOW: LIFT 3 TIMES PER WEEK AND DEPENDING ON BF% CARDIO ON OFF DAYS A1 chest- Incline bench - rest-pause shoulders- shoulder press - rest-pause triceps- Cable Triceps - straight set RGBP, CGBP OR SKULLS back thickness- Dead lift - straight set RP 15-20 back width- Wide grip pullups -...
  9. I

    Starting DC training tomorrow

    MY ANSWERS IN CAPS BELOW: I just have a few questions about the routine... 1.while the rest-pausing, should i continue to hold the weight, or should i set it down? RE RACK THE WEIGHT ON THE WORKING SET AND TAKE IN 5-15 VERY DEEP BREATHS BETWEEN RP SETS 2.How many times should i rest pause...
  10. I

    Dave Henry's DC method

    So I am lost, what are you getting at, you ate 4 meals a day every day and you wonder why you did not make gains, you must eat like you train, both need to be intense, one does not work without the other, and a protein bar is far from a meal...
  11. I

    Dave Henry's DC method

    Nice post Swell, said it better than I could have...
  12. I

    Recovery article from T-nation!

    EX, That ain't kool man, how come you told me to go soak my head in epsom salt the other day, man you can be a mean guy, damn powerlifters...
  13. I

    Protien Poll - Please vote!!

    YJ, The reason why most proteins are so expensive is advertisment, the reason why TP is such a good product is that its the highest quality you will find and the cheapest price, would I support a product that tastes like shit and does not work for me, not in a million years even if my own mother...
  14. I

    Some help for a Newbie.

    I am still waiting for the day when I see one single study showing that 30 grams of protein is all our system can assimulate at one time, my ass, this was some bullshit a few guys made up one day over thier soy drink and weighed in at a buck 35...
  15. I

    Some help for a Newbie.

    You guys have to remember that your body needs to draw on the aminos when it needs them, not so much when you are eating them, so its best to always have your amino acid pools filled by eating protein every 2.5 hours and starting with 2 grams per lb is a start, you must eat your way up to that...