Dave Henry's DC method


New member
I was wondering what the gurus have to say about this routine i've been using. It's the DC method Dave Henry described in Muscular Development: 1 exercise per bodypart and i add 5lbs each cycle and switch exercises when i can no longer make progress on that one.

day 1: smith incline bench, smith behind neck press, french curls, ab machine
day 2: pull downs, rows, barbell shrugs, preacher curls
day 3: smith squats, lying leg curls, standing calf raises
day 4: off

i would start off with a weight i could do 8-12 reps, take 15 deep breaths, then do 3-5 reps or how many every til failure, and so on until i could barely do one rep

the reason i use the smith machine is that i can go to failure without a spotter probably gonna switch to the power rack next week though
What you don't see is that he will have three exercise for each of those specific body parts. He will not do smith incline bench everytime he hits day 1. He will rotate his three chest exercises. He will do that for each body part. I had a link to him doing some pretty evil rack chins, but I don't know what I did with it.

I am a huge fan of the dc workouts. There are infinitely more variables involved though. it is not just "do this workout and grow." Your diet has to be perfect or you will overtrain on DC. You have to know your body exceptionally well before tackling DC, or you will overtrain. This program is certainly for the more advanced trainee who has a great deal of experience under their belt. It will take that experience to understand how hard to push (as the program is certainly modular in nature). It is best if you work with one of the two people who train others in this style....Dante (Doggcrapp) or In-Human who is a member of this board.

It is a fantastic program.
Agreed, if you REALLY want to get the most out of the system, pay Dante, or In-Human to lay out all the variables for you.

Iron Addict
A huge part of the DC system is kept secret for the paying trainees. If you are serious about the program, DC or In-Human are the only ones that can truely give you the full benefits of DC training.
I would look further into it, but i don't like really strict precontest style diets.
Especially with me still being in college and single, i like to go out and i my game gets thrown off by bringing tupperware. I've eaten like that for years with a protein bar in my back pocket everywhere i go and never saw the gains i wanted. Over the past 2 years i could count the days i ate less than 4 meals on one hand. Now its 2-3 shakes a day and 3-4 whole meals max.
So I am lost, what are you getting at, you ate 4 meals a day every day and you wonder why you did not make gains, you must eat like you train, both need to be intense, one does not work without the other, and a protein bar is far from a meal...
yeah i got a little off subject...just pm on the details about training, diet and your rates.
the last bulker i did i ate 4 or 5 whole meals a day mixed with a couple of bars and i few shakes. I was still eating over 5000cals. w/ a weight gainer drink. That was too much for me though taking 4 dumps a day.