Recent content by InPieces03

  1. I

    Read this thread if you already haven't!

    ok first I have to go over some principles I believe in first regarding training and Ill go to work and hit more on the training later on. a) I believe he who makes the greatest strength gains (in a controlled fashion)as a bodybuilder, makes the greatest muscle gains--note: i said strength...
  2. I

    PR's, Progress, Updates

    ended up getting 250x8(ass to heels) racked it - took 15 deep breaths then knocked out 2 more.
  3. I

    Read this thread if you already haven't!

    yeah, i was bored (reeeeally bored, lol) one day and went through and found what i thought were the important points and copied and pasted them on to word. Its still 18 pages long, though and everytime i go back to that thread i find something new to put in.
  4. I

    Read this thread if you already haven't! i started reading this in august and doggcrap has a huge influence on my training and diet. I don't follow his exact split because I lift in my basement and don't have access to a leg press machine, hacksquat, hammer chest, etc...
  5. I

    PR's, Progress, Updates

    how about we have this thread to share any pr's we make in training? i'll start - last week i squatted 215x20 and tomorrow's squat day and i plan on going a bit heavier - and go for a a hardcore 10-12 rep set. In august (after 2+ years of training), my squat was 155x13-15, so i guess i've made...
  6. I

    Lets see some training splits..

    yeah, that's what i designed it after.
  7. I

    Lets see some training splits..

    monday: chest, claves tuesday: shoulders, triceps thursday: back, biceps friday or saturday: legs
  8. I

    Roll Call.
