Recent content by J_Fox23

  1. J

    Pinning igf-1 lr3 sub q and IM

    Was thinking about pinning igf-1 lr3 sub q on rest days and IM on training days. What's your take on this?
  2. J

    How many military guys cycle while serving?

    My buddy made it through selection for the green berets and he's cycling test and tren and somehow still passing his pt.
  3. J

    General cycle question

    Please keep it to just the test and dbol don't add any deca,npp, and especially not teen for a first cycle. Stick with what you got and maybe bump your test up to 500 mg a week.
  4. J

    First cycle- dianabol & test enanthate

    OK so yeah imdennis isn't wrong. Its aggravating when young guys don't listen and every other day there's a guy who doesn't care about the future we're trying to help him out in the long run. Pmac don't tell this kid to keep cycling the best thing he could do is start pct. Wait 2 weeks after...
  5. J

    BROS! Please take a look at this! I couldn't resist!! hahahaha

    I heard only guys on roidz train legs and I'm not about that life bahahahahahaha. That dude is a lazy show muscle fuck.
  6. J

    Burning fat with Test cypionate?

    Talk to 3J about diet that's for sure and you can always try the eca stack.
  7. J

    need help choosing a cycle !!

    Have you ever cycled before?
  8. J

    Clenbuterol and cardio while stacking a preworkout

    When you reach your highest dose run it the rest of the time there. When I cycle clen, I'll say I top out at 140 to make it easier, I do my regular dosing starting low and working up but once I reach 140 I run that till my 2 weeks is over. Then when I start back up I drop down one dose for my...
  9. J

    Clenbuterol and cardio while stacking a preworkout

    There's no need to pyramind your clen.
  10. J

    Second Cycle (DBOL, TEST E)

    Probably should've waited a few years to cycle but since this is your second cycle its too late lol. I would extend it to 12 weeks at minimum.
  11. J

    thinking of adding hgh to next cycle

    I was thinking about running it during pct and I think I'm going to extend it thru pct.
  12. J

    thinking of adding hgh to next cycle

    Yeah I plan on running it at least 6 months. 3 months before cycle and then another 3 while on.
  13. J

    thinking of adding hgh to next cycle

    Ok so its official looks like I'm gonna run 4iu's a day for 3 months then start my test.
  14. J

    thinking of adding hgh to next cycle

    Damn you've really got me looking forward to this cycle now lol.
  15. J

    thinking of adding hgh to next cycle

    That's awesome about the results and I hope everything is better with your son now. Did you run it alone or stack it with anything?