Clenbuterol and cardio while stacking a preworkout


New member
Hi, Im 34 new to the the game. My 2nd cycle and pct complete spaced 6 months apart. My last cycle I went up to 85kg and 16% bodyfat. My current stats:

Height: 175cm or 5 foot 7
Weight: 77kg or 170 pounds
Bodyfat: 10,4%
Bench 80kg
Squat 120kg

I am currently stacking the following as a preworkout:
Citrulline Malate
Creapture creatine
Beta alanine

I cardio 4 times a week for 45 minutes and diet is on track with calorie deficit etc. I have just gotten my smarties of Oraltech pharamceuticals Clen 40mg tabs and want to pyramid them up to 140 and down to 40 for 14 days. Can I still do my cardio and hypertrophy training as intense while on Clen? Can I still stack my preworkout and take Clen? Any advice will be greatly appreciated and apologies if this has been discussed before, if so, please direct me to the correct thread.

Iron for life -Marc300
Id recommend getting ketotifen. It will allow you to keep vclen at constant RESPONSIBLE dose and get results. Take ketotifen 1mg at night right before bed. RUI has it.
Also your pre workout seems fine to me along with clen..were it stim loaded id say no...but it isnt.
When you reach your highest dose run it the rest of the time there. When I cycle clen, I'll say I top out at 140 to make it easier, I do my regular dosing starting low and working up but once I reach 140 I run that till my 2 weeks is over. Then when I start back up I drop down one dose for my first day then go back up to 140.
I got something called Zetofen which contains Ketotifen. It's a cough mixture for kids but contains the correct amount of ketotifen according to the information sheet. Thank you all for contributing to advice.

"Get ripped or die trying"