Recent content by jkr2020788

  1. jkr2020788

    Adding tren to my cycle. How to?

    With those doses, it sounds like your first cycle? If you haven't completed it yet, why don't you just see how far this current one takes you? I'm assuming this Bc you say you are wanting to add something in, which to me, sounds as you are still early in the cycle. You're not gonna see ur huge...
  2. jkr2020788

    Anyone know any easy 1,000 calorie meals?

    Man I don't know if your just looking for mass or what, but there are a TON of things like that like mass gainers bought at your local nutrition shop. Nonetheless, I think this question is better suited for the diet section, not anabolic steroids.
  3. jkr2020788

    Planet fatness yeah buddy!!

    The reason I quit pf and went to Snap, is because the don't have dumbbells higher than 75lbs at the two around me. And the fact I can go to any snap I want. You really can't beat the price though. And not to mention I can't hit the gym before work Bc the snap I go to has no showers.
  4. jkr2020788

    Why is age SUCH a big factor? (How does Jeff Seid do it?)

    I guess I'm gonna be one of the old fashioned types ppl on here and give you my advice. At 5'11 168lbs, at 20, your own test levels can reach high enough to get to at LEAST 180 lean. You ask why ppl suggest 25? It's because statically that's when test levels are their highest/ on their downfall...
  5. jkr2020788

    4 week Test Prop hcg ostarine

    I've ran osta by it self between cycles. Helped me keep most of my gains. I didn't have any bloods done as its a selective modifier.
  6. jkr2020788

    Input needed on 2nd cycle

    Looks good. Just curious, why'd you pick ana over dbol?
  7. jkr2020788

    Just turned 22, question about my bloodwork

    They wont be at an "all time high" unless you are putting your body in its most anabolic state possible. This means heavy weighted compound exercises on major muscles, increasing your daily food intake, and most importantly, not working out for one week-give up-back on-give up- back on...etc...
  8. jkr2020788

    Sustanon 300 is not my Friend

    I used to love that PIP on test400.... OMG, I loved the thought of the crystals of the esters cutting into my muscle and releasing more of their goodness. lol, at lesast thats what i pictured.
  9. jkr2020788

    Blood Work After post cycle therapy (pct) ( Help me understand )

    Well I mean the point of PCT is to get you back to your baseline... You may be higher then most people, or the PCT did better than expected and "supercharged" your nuts lol
  10. jkr2020788

    Perfect first cycle? Questions

    Post your age
  11. jkr2020788

    Feel like garbage!! Any Help Please?

    Prami actually causes those exact symptoms to me. My friend dre, said it well, " anything over .3 will make you puke" (paraphasing lol) I took 0.075 and still got those symptoms. Try caber. How my mg/ week of each?
  12. jkr2020788

    Sterilizing UGL Gear Question?

    Its VERY hard to find completely sterile gear, that is why there is BA in it. Putting it through a filter will remove preexisting bacteria and particulate, but if there is no BA in it, then it most likely wont stay sterile long. Basically, what i think, is you should be fine either way as long...
  13. jkr2020788

    Caber vs Prami - Need help

    yes, i can tell you, but it's not going to help lol. One of the MDs I work with gives me scripts for arimidex, caber, clomid, and nolva. The only non-pharm grade shit i got was prami. Im fortunate to have this commodity. Not to mention the fact my medical insurance from work is paying for my...
  14. jkr2020788

    Phospho DSIP- my somewhat log/guinea pig phase

    I decided that I was going to drop adding the other medications and just do the DSIP so I could see the reactions i get to it. Still the same dosage for the past 3 days, but I starting to not like it. I wake up multiple times (about 6-7 times) in a span of 10 hours of sleeping time. Each time I...
  15. jkr2020788

    Caber vs Prami - Need help

    I know everyone on here is praising prami, but I guess some people are a lot more sensitive to it. I just started taking it yesterday, and I took literally 0.075mg because I read over the side effects and the pharmacology extremely carefully before ordering/ taking it. I did everything as I read...