4 week Test Prop hcg ostarine


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Heres the layout

Test Prop 100mg eod Started with 150mg front load
HCG - 250iu 2x week
Aroma - 12.5mg ed

Clomid 50/50/20/20
Nolva 40/40/20/10
Ostarine 10/10

4000 cals
150 protein

Workout routine
mon - chest back
tue - arms/shoulders/abs
wed - Legs
thrs - off
friday - chest back
sat - abs/shoulders/ hard cardio
sun - off
I do cardio everyday that I work out
4 weeks?? Even with prop there is some time needed for it to kick in. Its not instant. I would extend the cycle or not do it at all. You will be ending it just when it is getting good. Pointless IMO. And 250 twice a week for the duration of your cycle is the way to run HCG.
What I would do with the osta is run your pct for 4 weeks, then wait 4 weeks and run osta with a low dose clomid alongside (50mg eod or so). You can effectively bridge this way. The clomid will keep your hpta working while on osta. I wouldn't run it in pct though. Make sure you get bloodwork before you run the osta though!
What I would do with the osta is run your pct for 4 weeks, then wait 4 weeks and run osta with a low dose clomid alongside (50mg eod or so). You can effectively bridge this way. The clomid will keep your hpta working while on osta. I wouldn't run it in pct though. Make sure you get bloodwork before you run the osta though!

Have you actually had anyone try this yet for Osta (with bloods?) I've achieved this with low dose S4 (50mg ed) and high dose clomid (50mg ed,) and although it works for me I'm still kind of hesitant to recommend to others to try...

Personally I think the best option for people wanting to bridge/maintain is peptides.
TB stop hating and joz thanks that actually sounds like a good idea I have used clomid along with erase in the past for a good test boost and it worked wonders I have also ran clomid on ph cycles and it did keep my junk working so I know for sure it would keep it working with osta.
I've ran osta by it self between cycles. Helped me keep most of my gains. I didn't have any bloods done as its a selective modifier.

^3.5LBS (water I know) Im running an ai so maybe I need to up it from 12.5 to 25mg ed n e wayz I have an increase in sex drive nothign else noticeable I feel better than I did on osta my blood pressure is normal again. Osta I was around 91 pulse now im back down to 74.
Have you actually had anyone try this yet for Osta (with bloods?) I've achieved this with low dose S4 (50mg ed) and high dose clomid (50mg ed,) and although it works for me I'm still kind of hesitant to recommend to others to try...

Personally I think the best option for people wanting to bridge/maintain is peptides.

Yes, I have myself. My first run of osta alone dropped my TT by about 200 points after 25mg/day for 8 weeks. Next time around I ran it alongside RUI toremifene @ 60mg/day and my test actually got a bit of a boost. I can only imagine clomid being just as effective. I'm not sure about doing it with s4 because s4 is known to be a bit more suppressive than osta.

And I agree peptides are fantastic to bridge with. Huge IGF fan here.
I've ran osta by it self between cycles. Helped me keep most of my gains. I didn't have any bloods done as its a selective modifier.

It's still somewhat suppressive my friend. Always get blood work, and run a moderate pct after and/or a serm along side it.
Same Weight sex drive through the roof I feel hard all over and full and my skin feels tight. I feel more energetic as well so far no acne hair loss or oily face. Still running aromasin 12-15mg ed no gyno or puffy nipples they actually look smaller.