Recent content by jozifp103

  1. jozifp103

    Oral combos....what's your favorite?

    you'd think with them yielding similar results that it would be redundant to stack them....but honestly the synergy is crazy. They each bring their own magic to the table. Dbol kind of smooths me out and hinders definition/vascularity....drol makes my muscles pop and improves vascularity. The...
  2. jozifp103

    New pics...................

    People just automatically hate on your pics cuz it was the cool thing to do back when you used that shitty round mirror lol. But in all honesty you look a lot bigger and more solid than the last update. I think you're makin some pretty good progress bro. What are your arm measurements now?
  3. jozifp103

    Oral combos....what's your favorite?

    And in comes STAUNCHED to re-right this train and get us back on the track. And yes I totally agree that dbol/drol combo is sick. I was on that this Halloween and I went to a costume party dressed as a caveman with a skimpy caveman vest. People were mirin'. Actually I think they were scared.
  4. jozifp103

    Who here blasts/cruises/consistently runs the same total MG year round?

    I'll be honest...I basically stopped cruising this year. My "cruise" consists of usually 500mg test and 100-200mg deca. It's made a huge difference in my ability to hold size and stay lean. Although I don't plan to sustain this for too long. Gotta keep an eye on my health or I could die at any seco
  5. jozifp103

    Oral combos....what's your favorite?

    lol I should have known you dirty bastids would take it in this direction.
  6. jozifp103

    Oral combos....what's your favorite?

    As far as orals, I have to admit I'm a tad reckless. However I've never really shown much sign of liver distress. I really enjoy experimenting with oral combos. Some I've tried in the past are; anadrol/dbol, dbol/winny, Tbol/anavar, and just recently...anadrol/anavar. I'd have to give the...
  7. jozifp103

    Anadrol Ginecomastia? How to Prevent it?

    TAD is never a bad idea bro. Not many people are able to get their hands on some. The answer to stopping anadrol gyno is SERMS. Like you said, it doesn't convert to e2 so an AI would do no good but crash your levels if they're not high. SERMS will at least block your e2 receptors and stop any...
  8. jozifp103

    Got a sample of Tren Base on the way.....

    Typically I don't train super heavy. I just wanted to test it out to see i the strength gains were really there. You can definitely feel the extra strength. Everything just felt a bit lighter than usual.
  9. jozifp103

    Got a sample of Tren Base on the way.....

    Yessir! Pinned my first dose this morning. 50mg about 45mins before my morning workout. I was warned that this stuff can cause some pretty serious aggression and typical tren sides, but amplified. So far my experience has been nothing but positive. -Overall really good feeling on it. Actually...
  10. jozifp103

    I'm Glad I didn't listen to the EQ haters....I'm in love

    Yep that's exactly what I did. Front loaded 1g for a couple weeks. And as for the anavar.....wayyy ahead of you bro ;)
  11. jozifp103

    I'm Glad I didn't listen to the EQ haters....I'm in love

    So in the past I've made threads asking peoples' opinions on EQ. Some say it's great but it seems a majority didn't see too many benefits from it. A common term I heard was "It's a waste of syringe space." So I wrote it off for a while thinking it took wayy too long to work and the benefits just...
  12. jozifp103

    Exercise = elevate heart rate = good <BUT> stimulants = elevated heart rate = bad. Y?

    Yes that makes perfect sense. I knew there had to be some variable that made one more dangerous than the other. That's the simplified answer I was looking for :yesway:
  13. jozifp103

    Exercise = elevate heart rate = good <BUT> stimulants = elevated heart rate = bad. Y?

    I should have prefaced by mentioning that the adderall is prescribed for daily use. But it does certainly help me hit the gym at 5am. I hardly ever drink caffeine. I guess my question is why is elevating your heart rate via cardio healthy, but elevating it via stimulants isn't? If your heart...
  14. jozifp103

    Got a sample of Tren Base on the way.....

    Probably won't be trying it for another couple weeks. I wanna try it on a weekend where I can just go home and hit the punching bag after.I tpically hit the gym in the AM before work and I don't wanna have my first try be just before I walk into the office.