Recent content by MAURER

  1. M

    question : how much time takes creatine to get of the body ??

    if you're that close to weight and you need to lose weight before weigh-in's.... you're really wasting your time using creatine
  2. M

    Effective Test Boosters

    whats my best bet then?
  3. M

    Effective Test Boosters

    Hey this is my firs time considering taking a testosterone enhancer. im wondering if there are any effective legal enhancers. does anyone have experience with Fizogen ON cycle?
  4. M

    Natural Test Levels

    any way i can alter it without taking steroids? i don't think i have low levels i just want it to be higher
  5. M

    Natural Test Levels

    hey whats up guys im new here just wondering what some causes/reasons for naturally low test levels are? thanks