No, not wondering if there are any effective legal enhancers.
macro said:AIFM effectively boosts testosterone by lowering estrogen and Sex hormone binding globulin. AIFM is OTC, though its also a steroidal Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Low dose- 1-2 pumps per day is reccomended for off cycle use.
you can also use other low dose AI's,steroidal AI's preferred- so aromasin would also be a good option
Suareezay said:AIFM sides?
Senri said:can you take clomid standalone to raise test levels?
HeHateMe said:It will raise test levels when used by it's lonesome. However, I wouldn't use it for an extended period of time, and I would also be on the lookout for any potential side effects (emotional sides, tracers).
Senri said:i cant get AIFM as it says it doesnt ship to canada. Even though isnt it a steroid/AI since its got DHEA in it?