Recent content by MikeShlort

  1. M

    First Cycle Ready To Go - Please Give Input!

    What negative effects happen if I start PCT after 2 weeks of taking my last test enanthate doseage?
  2. M

    First Cycle Ready To Go - Please Give Input!

    Thanks! Yes that was a typo, i forgot to mention I will be splitting the test doses. I get blood work done frequently. My cholesterol is "amazing" says my Dr. My blood pressure is good. These are a few of the sides that higher bf% cause. Liver is a-okay. My research shows that I stop the...
  3. M

    First Cycle Ready To Go - Please Give Input!

    27 year old, 6 ft, 180lbs, bf% 17-18, white male Never cycled before. Starting this Saturday Gear: 500 mg/wk test enanthate (will inject every Sat for 12 wks) Running during cycle: 250IU hcg twice weekly (Do I need to start on day 1 or on day 14??) ~ 25 mcg Arimidex EOD (Do I need to start on...
  4. M

    HGH Penis Growth? SMALL PENIS - HELP!

    No way. Too much can go wrong with surgery. The only legit way is to research, trial and error, and dedication. But hanging and pumping + girth work = huge cock for life. :) Just gotta figure out how to do it right, it's very frustrating, like trying to get big when you're a naturally small guy
  5. M

    HGH Penis Growth? SMALL PENIS - HELP!

    Hhahhaha. This is funny, I made this so long ago... The truth is I was really serious about it at first, but then I figured out exercises and supplements that actually worked. Long story short, I am now rocking close to an 8x6 and I've come to find out most girls will think that's pretty...
  6. M

    1st Time - PCT Cycle - Advice Please

    How about yourself personally?
  7. M

    1st Time - PCT Cycle - Advice Please

    Yikes. Dr.s think you will never fully recover?
  8. M

    1st Time - PCT Cycle - Advice Please

    Cool thx for the advice. How many cycles have you guys done and did you recover fully after each?
  9. M

    1st Time - PCT Cycle - Advice Please

    Hello. I am a 27 year old white male, 180lbs. I plan on doing a 12 wk cycle of test enanthate in the near future. 500mg/wk That part seems fairly straight forward but I'd like some advice on the PCT. The source (who also uses himself) recommended only nolvadex and clomid for PCT. I asked...
  10. M

    What are the chances of....

    Thank you. I've decided I'm going to do it, regardless of outcome. I figure it's better than crack.
  11. M

    What are the chances of....

    I considered that, but I don't want to upset my girl Big Tanya
  12. M

    What are the chances of....

    Did you regain the full function of your testicles?
  13. M

    What are the chances of....

    It could always be worse. At least this drug's positive consequences balance with the negative ones.
  14. M

    What are the chances of....

    Good point. A friend of mine did a cycle. He told me he went from 570 to 700 leg press naturally. Then on his cycle, he was pressing 1200. Now he is off and can still put up 1100. This was his second cycle; his first being about 9-10 years ago, when he was 18. I've also heard you feel "on...
  15. M

    What are the chances of....

    Both very good posts. Thanks guys.