1st Time - PCT Cycle - Advice Please


New member

I am a 27 year old white male, 180lbs.

I plan on doing a 12 wk cycle of test enanthate in the near future. 500mg/wk

That part seems fairly straight forward but I'd like some advice on the PCT.

The source (who also uses himself) recommended only nolvadex and clomid for PCT. I asked about HCG (to run during cycle to protect my nuts) but he didn't advise it.

Is it okay to just do the standard PCT cycle 2 wks after my last injection, only taking clomid or nolva during cycle if I notice any onset of gyno? Or should I be running something during the cycle stages as well?

Obviously my main concern is recovering 100% ability to produce natural testosterone after the cycle. So what do you guys think? Is this a pretty conservative cycle that just needs straight forward PCT or should I run HCG during/after?

Also, the beginner cycle advice on this website.. The PCT doses, are they pretty universal? Or does weight play a role?

Okay a few things:

- On cycle you need an AI, not nolva or clomid
- With HCG you will get a wide arrange of opinions but to me it makes sense to be proactive instead of reactive, so run during. Again, others will have different opinion.
- Weight doesn't play a role in PCT doses

Hope this helps
just reiterating what was said above. Run an AI on cycle to prevent estrogen. nolva and clomid only blocks the effects of estro but doesn't actually reduce it. hcg is always a good idea on cycle as it makes recovery much easier.

a good dose to start for an ai would be .25mg eod for arimidex or 6.25-12.5mg ed for aromasin.

HCG should be run 500iu/wk @ 250iu 2x/wk.

Typical PCT doses: Nolva 40/40/20/20 Clomid 50/50/50/50

lastly, recovering 100% is possible for some but in a lot of cases you do end up with slightly lower test levels than when you started. Every cycle takes a small toll on your hpta. It's the price we pay for this lifestyle.
Cool thx for the advice. How many cycles have you guys done and did you recover fully after each?

It varies from person to person.

Some people recover perfectly fine from every cycle without a proper PCT; some never recover from their first cycle even with PCT.
4 cycles. each one did damage. I'm now on trt at 24. there was one cycle in particular that may have done the most damage because i ran osta in my pct which was supposed to be non supressive at low doses but it made it so i never fully recovered. that was my most recent cycle. the rest all had the traditional nolva clomid pct
4 cycles. each one did damage. I'm now on trt at 24. there was one cycle in particular that may have done the most damage because i ran osta in my pct which was supposed to be non supressive at low doses but it made it so i never fully recovered. that was my most recent cycle. the rest all had the traditional nolva clomid pct

Yikes. Dr.s think you will never fully recover?
I'll just second or third what was said above. Run your hcg and adex on cycle to pct. Then start your nolva and clomid as mentioned. Have fun.