Recent content by milenko

  1. milenko


    Accutane-it's a presribed acne medication that you might be able to get thru your doctor, some sources carry it too.
  2. milenko

    2nd cycle. need help!

    Couldn't have said it any better.
  3. milenko

    Vitargo VS Waxy Maise Starch

  4. milenko

    Vitargo VS Waxy Maise Starch

    I've been using Vitargo and think it's great stuff. I use it on training days, 1/2 serving before my workout and then another half serving in the middle of the workout or immediatly afterwords. Gives good pumps and I feel really aids in muscle recovery.
  5. milenko

    Swisher Laboratories Products

    I've heard nothing but good things about the quality of his products, but honestly I've heard people complain about his response time to emails and t/a time for product delivery. Although this is usually associated with the fact he's one of the biggest sources out there so he's constantly...
  6. milenko

    7.3 weeks out!

    Nice size and defenition, I don't know what you looked like before but it certainly looks like your on the right track. Great work!
  7. milenko


    If your trying to cut then milk is def. a big no no, all dairy products I stay clear of in fact while cutting. Of course if your bulking then milk it up! lol
  8. milenko

    changing needles

    Bump the awnsers so far, it's a very good habit to change the needles.
  9. milenko

    Drawing with a 25g needle

    I draw with a 20ga and inject with a 23.
  10. milenko

    2ND Cycle / Questions / Help / Thank you

    Awnsers highlighted in red. I agree with Slicks advice about post cycle therapy (pct), nolva's a good choice. Also make sure you have extra nolva to take during your cycle if gyno symptoms appear. Giving your situation and goals I think you should keep it simple and effective by running a...
  11. milenko

    New cycle, what do you think

    I certainly wouldn't call recommending running it for only 4 wks good advice. To each their own man, whatever.
  12. milenko

    de la hoya vs mayweather

    My boss is a big gambler, I believe he's putting money on Mayweather.
  13. milenko

    New cycle, what do you think

    Anavar is NOT a kickstarter in any way shape or form, Anavar (var) is a relatively mild Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) that must be run for a long period of time for strength gains to become evident; 4 wks of it at the beginning of your cycle won't do shit plain and simple. Go with dbols...
  14. milenko

    Sciatic Nerve

    Again, no prob brutha.
  15. milenko

    Please review newbie's first stack?

    I highlighted my awnsers in red, hope they help. I agree you should drop that book and read as much as you can online thru these discussion forums. Don't get disheartened if sometimes people don't respond to your questions, vets on these boards often get tired of awnsering the same type of...