2ND Cycle / Questions / Help / Thank you


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I decided to start my second cycle. My first cycle was kind of funny because I had no idea what I was doing. It was given to me by a buddy and never bothered to ask what was in the vial. He had me take a testosterone test and said my levels were low. I know I was taking Winstrol (winny) and an enthate. I am positive other stuff was in there too. I think at one point it was 650 mg going in a week and 50 mg of Winstrol (winny) a day. It made me look great. I was freakin amazed.

Well 2 make a long story short I have decided to get back into things again. I also thought I might share I haven’t worked out hard like I used to in eight months (personal problems arose in my family) so I gained a ton of unneeded weight.

I have ordered product just waiting to get here. A have a few questions hoping someone might help. I have decided to do this cycle because my main goal is to lose fat and regain some of the lean muscle I lost. I really want a ripped type effect but was saving that for my third cycle. I am planning to lose some of this fat put some lean muscle on and then get into a serious ripped or cutting type cycle for the thrid.


Week 1 – 80 mcg Clenbuterol 200 mg Deca
Week 2 - 100 mcg Clenbuterol 200 mg Deca
Week 3 – 120 mcg Clenbuterol 300 mg Deca
Week 4 – 50 mcg Cytomel 400 mg Deca
Week 5 – 50 mcg Cytomel 400 mg Deca
Week 6 – 100 mcg Cytomel 300 mg Deca
Week 7 – 100 mcg Cytomel 80 mcg Clenbuterol 200 mg Deca
Week 8 – 100 mcg Clenbuterol 200 mg Deca
Week 9 – 120 mcg Clenbuterol


1. Is there anything wrong with the cycle? Should I add anything? Do I need clomid, nova, or PCT?
2. What size needle would I use? I will be injecting myself in glutes area?
3. How long after the 9 weeks cycle do I wait to star another cycle.

Any help form the pros would be great….

236 lbs.
31 yrs
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Yes, if you ever plan on having sex you had better add testosterone. I dont understand why so many people are leaving this out of thier cycles. Its like you get so caught up and awed by all these off-shoot steroids (which are all just off-shoots of test anyway) and you dont include the mother of all roids-TESTOSTERONE. Cypionate, propiopnate, sustanon, whatever, just add test. about 500mgs per week. Not bagging on you dude, I've just seen this trend for a while now and I dont understand it, its like people get "bored" with it or something so neglect to use it. But yeah, you definately dont want to run deca w/o it in my opinion, others may disagree but not including test in any cycle, I dont care what your goals are, is not smart in my book. People say, well what if I just want to cut, if you just want to cut then dont use steroids, go on a fvcking diet.
Oh and by the way, yes you need post cycle therapy (pct), I like good old nolvadex, 40/30/30/20/10 is how I run mine. (daily doses for a week each)
sorry to keep buging you but I just noticed another thing, You say you haven';t trained hard for a while which is why your wanting to do a cycle, my advice would be to cut up and get your body back in the groove first. You cant always just expect the juice to do all the work bro. You want your body i.e. joints and tendons to be ready for the strain, you cant just walk off of a 8 month break straight into a cycle. I guess you could, but I dont think its smart. Hope this helps, just advice.
Thanks slick for taking the time
so what your saying is add some type of test 500 mg worth a week. Is that on top of what of what im going to take weekly on the Deca? What test would you recomend?Can the test be taken in the same syringe with the Deca? Is that a weekly dose every 7 days? I am also not uderstanding your nova schedule. THNAKS SLICK BIG TIME...
aaw0701 said:

Week 1 – 80 mcg Clenbuterol 200 mg Deca
Week 2 - 100 mcg Clenbuterol 200 mg Deca
Week 3 – 120 mcg Clenbuterol 300 mg Deca
Week 4 – 50 mcg Cytomel 400 mg Deca
Week 5 – 50 mcg Cytomel 400 mg Deca
Week 6 – 100 mcg Cytomel 300 mg Deca
Week 7 – 100 mcg Cytomel 80 mcg Clenbuterol 200 mg Deca
Week 8 – 100 mcg Clenbuterol 200 mg Deca
Week 9 – 120 mcg Clenbuterol


1. Is there anything wrong with the cycle? Should I add anything? Do I need clomid, nova, or post cycle therapy (pct)? Drop the T3 and clen and concentrate on a clean diet and cardio for losing bf%. Trust me I've gone thru the whole "gotta use fat burning pills to get rid of fat" phase and I've used both t3 and clen at various times, and I've gotten the same to better results just by tightening my diet and upping my cardio. Also, big point, if your looking to cut up deca IS NOT the drug to be taking. Deca is one of the top "bulking/mass" compounds out there, alot of water retention can result in the use of deca.Now it is possible to cut while using deca, but it requires experience and an very strict diet regimine. Deca also takes a long time to kick in, 5-6 wks for effects to start showing, so running it for only 9 wks you'd be fucking yourself out of getting the best possible gains.

2. What size needle would I use? I will be injecting myself in glutes area? Use a 20g pin to draw out of the vial then switch to a 23ga pin for injecting.

3. How long after the 9 weeks cycle do I wait to star another cycle. Rule of thumb is time on=time off before starting another cycle.

Any help form the pros would be great….

236 lbs.
31 yrs

Awnsers highlighted in red. I agree with Slicks advice about post cycle therapy (pct), nolva's a good choice. Also make sure you have extra nolva to take during your cycle if gyno symptoms appear. Giving your situation and goals I think you should keep it simple and effective by running a test cycle, get some test cyp or enanth and run it at 500mg/wk (2 injects) for 12 wks with 50mg of Winstrol everyday from wks 9-14, then start post cycle therapy (pct) on wk 15. This cycle combined with proper diet and exercise I think will put a big smile on your face.
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milenko said:
Awnsers highlighted in red. I agree with Slicks advice about post cycle therapy (pct), nolva's a good choice. Also make sure you have extra nolva to take during your cycle if gyno symptoms appear. Giving your situation and goals I think you should keep it simple and effective by running a test cycle, get some test cyp or enanth and run it at 500mg/wk (2 injects) for 12 wks with 50mg of Winstrol everyday from wks 9-14, then start post cycle therapy (pct) on wk 15. This cycle combined with proper diet and exercise I think will put a big smile on your face.
Well put. Cypionate or enanthate is good. If you want to be conservative you can run anywhere between 300-500 per week of test depending on if you really want to put on sume muscle or just use enough to keep your sex drive up. Either way, like said above, split the weekly dose into two injects per week. As far as the nolva schedule I wrote, Those dosages are a daily dose for a week, so you would go 40mgs everyday for a week, then 30mgs ED for 2 weeks, then 20 , 10. Sart the nolva two weeks after your last shot and keep some on hand during your cycle in case you notice gyno developing, if you do, try nolva at 10mgs Every other day while your on cycle.