Recent content by MTex

  1. M

    super girl

    ok, SG is back around so i'm going to bump this up. good to hear your real estate work is doing well. see ya around
  2. M

    liquid research/ legit stuff???

    they got busted long ago. as far as i know they are not back in bussiness
  3. M

    deca/test its time...

    i recomend against a deca only cycle. test should be the base of any cycle IMO. 500 mg's of test a week for a first cycle would yeild great results. even @ 250 mg's a week you would see results
  4. M

    question on bicep injections.

    delts, glutes & quads are enough for me.
  5. M

    Test Suspension

    if you have ED injections might as well throw some tren in the syringe
  6. M

    D-Bol Side Effects

    when i omnas ( usually because i get a good deal) i do EOD or ED injections
  7. M

    Dont know what to do

    i would drop the EQ to 500 mg's a week & run it for 12
  8. M


    then you refridgerate what you dont use . i put it in a syringe & then refridgerate
  9. M


    you mix them bro. draw up the water then shoot it into the powder then draw it up again. i suggest 500 iu's twice a week during cycle & 2 weeks after last injection then start pct
  10. M

    Your Gym attire

    yea, it's been a long recovery. i have overcome many injuries but this one knocked me down hard. i'm hoping to be back in the gym in a couple of months. someone asked me recently how i kept my arms so toned up w/ this halo on, i asked them if they had seen my arms before my accident. they might...
  11. M

    desperate fina question

    the " gunk" is the seperated pellet binders. it's trash
  12. M

    Mass cycle

    just my 2o- i dont like drol.
  13. M

    amino acids/ everything you need to know

    cont: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Amino Acid Guide -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are three types of amino acids; the indispensable amino acids, the conditionally dispensable...
  14. M

    amino acids/ everything you need to know

    Amino Acids & Bodybuilding By Barry Finnin, PhD, and Samuel Peters From Muscle & Fitness Magazine, April 1996 Why do so many bodybuilders know so little about amino acids and protein, the differences in their form and the best times to ingest them? With nothing less that optimal muscle growth...
  15. M

    Deca only First Cycle?

    test should be the base of any cycle IMO. i also run hcg during cycle - 500 iu's twice a week