

New member
I just received 2 differnt types of Pregnyl.

1 is in a amp ...1 amp 1500 iu "powder" organon
2 is labled pro Pregnyl 1ml "liquid" organon

Does anyone know the differnce. They are real as I got them from xxx

I have never used Pregnyl before with any earlier mini cycles and was told GET IT, USE IT for longer cycles during and post

Anyone know about the powder and how to use it... mix it with anything and the mg amount of the 1ml amp

be good
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you mix them bro. draw up the water then shoot it into the powder then draw it up again. i suggest 500 iu's twice a week during cycle & 2 weeks after last injection then start pct
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imo, you are better off doing 250 IU twice a week totalling 500IU/week. 1000iu weekly is too much imo, unless you are doing a really hardcore cycle that will be very hard on the nuggets..