Recent content by njmuscleguy

  1. njmuscleguy

    HGH For 51 Year Old Male

    I didn't "batantly refuse" anything... I initially suggested to look into the free test issue... there is absolutely nothing wrong with that... whereas you would immediately put him on test because he fits a profile on some random study.... I'm sorry, I would like to get a better idea of...
  2. njmuscleguy

    what's better than deca? took me a few years to get to this point dude... I've always run 100mg EOD... so typically about 400mg / wk ... seemed to work nicely
  3. njmuscleguy

    HGH For 51 Year Old Male

    Hey Swim, I apologize for ranting off-course here... of course, you're welcome to follow whatever info or advice you choose... I don't cram info or advice down people's throats... and I don't attack others for sharing their experiences.... Hope you resolve your issue... good luck!
  4. njmuscleguy

    HGH For 51 Year Old Male

    I'm glad you find one (or even several) endocrinology reports to be the holy grail to HRT / TRT... my cousins and I have known some endocrinologists that didn't "know their ass from a hole in the ground"... so you'll excuse me if I don't necessarily subscribe to your doctors, and your reports...
  5. njmuscleguy

    HGH For 51 Year Old Male

    btw.... "hypogonadism", according to the Mayo Clinic, is a condition in which the body doesn't produce enough testosterone in males... according to his numbers, he IS producing testosterone... shit, that's healthy for a 30-year old... something is affecting his FREE test... I don't pretend to...
  6. njmuscleguy

    HGH For 51 Year Old Male

    thanks for that little attack there buddy... maybe I should've mentioned in my posts that I've been on HRT therapy for nearly ten years.... under the advice of several doctors... so I'm not just speaking out of my ass... I was offering a suggestion based on my experience... and I certainly...
  7. njmuscleguy

    what's better than deca?

    that right there is one of the best cycles I've ever done!
  8. njmuscleguy

    HGH For 51 Year Old Male

    I wouldn't go on test therapy... your total test is phenomenal, especially for your age... I would get SHBG levels tested... if that's what's binding up your test, it's a very easy fix... something like proviron can fix that... but, even better, there are a number of OTC supplements that are...
  9. njmuscleguy


    from experience, after that first OUCH shot, the body acclimates and you have less and less bad shots... some people heat up the oil first (in hot water) and say it helps... some people cut the oil with some other sterile oil... always massage the injection site immediately after sticking to...
  10. njmuscleguy

    Ooops I mase a mistake!!!

    you're gonna be ok... HOWEVER... for future reference, careful with your calculations... with anything....the next time could be more serious
  11. njmuscleguy

    what's better than deca?

    Bloat, "deca dick", and recovery was awful
  12. njmuscleguy

    Cycle if depressed?

    You know what you have to do... all the good bro's here said it... 1) If you or your folks have good insurance, get FULL bloodwork, and make sure they check: · Total Testosterone · Free Testosterone · SHBG · Estradiol (specify “sensitive” assay for males) · LH · FSH · Prolactin · Cortisol ·...
  13. njmuscleguy

    my cycle i need some help please..

    X 2 !!!! what the....??? Personally, I would've added the Winstrol (winny) at the END of that cycle...the last 4-6 weeks... then again, gains on primo tend to be lean, so I wouldn't have chose Winstrol (winny) with primo anyway... (unless you're looking to get SUPER shredded) anyway, to...
  14. njmuscleguy

    what's better than deca?

    NO disrespect to anyone... but deca IMO is not the holy grail of bulking.... wasn't for me, anyway... I tried it a number of times and got nothing but bloat and awful sides... I don't personally think deca for 10 weeks is a waste.... 8-12 weeks, whatever floats your boat... go by personal...
  15. njmuscleguy


    use the 23's for your quads... quad injections aren't bad at all I would use 22G, 1.5" for glutes... typically, glute shots are preferred when you're shooting more (2-3 mls)... a 23G for that kinda shot is slow and cumbersome