Recent content by OLYMPIAN


    Deca or Eq: ROCK THE VOTE

    Mix em. Half and half, or a little more of one or the other depending on your goals. Im currently running Sus750mg+EQ300mg+Deca250mg+dbol40mg

    How long after 2 PH cycles before my first AAS cycle

    Should be no serious issues going from oral PH to injectable test. They work differently. It would have been better to probably run an oral in tandem with test, but I wouldnt recommend it now since you basically ran two orals back to back. I wouldnt run another anytime soon. Give your liver...

    Shoulder pain! Should i stop my cycle?

    Why would cycle be a waste? You dont have other bodyparts??? I was on cycle with wicked shoulder pain. I crushed everything else and did next to nothing that involved my shoulder. I nursed it back to health and got pretty good gains all over. Train SMART.

    Please help! Wasted cycle.

    As you discovered, it takes awhile to kick in, especially Cyp. Next time if you want a faster punch toss in some propinate test along with you cyp. Should hit you in about 1-2 weeks..

    Help !!! With RUI

    Ignore my low rep rating. I got in some scuffles with site admins.... LOL RUI is legit as it comes. I use the hell out of them for EVERYTHING!! And no, Im not affiliated with RUI in anyway.:D

    dealing with the wife

    If shes still bitching, then dont involve her. Let her know what you are doing. EDUCATE HER!! Control your temper!!! Dont use gear as an excuse to flip out. I found that Im actually more irritable when Im off cycle!! When Im on, I feel powerful, smooth and confident. Even my wife says Im...

    One teste hasn't returned to normal size. Why?

    When running deca, Novla is not recomended for PCT as stated above. Clomid would have been a better selection. If youre libio is fine, try to rip 2-3 loads a day to stimulate them or as stated Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) will do the trick as well. Careful though. I ran Human Chorionic...

    Pain In Testicals

    Theyre shutting down and shrinking....

    5 weeks since last shot and feel beter than ever!

    Was running 600mg test cyp. and 300mg deca per week. Also ran 4 weeks of M-Drol 6 weeks before end of cycle. Last shot was 5 weeks ago. Been taking tapering doses of letro to keep estro. sides at bay. Balls have not come back online, but I feel great! Actually STRONGER in a few of my lifts...

    read MIKE MATARAZZO speaks on the gear in the pros and the effects

    5-6 pounds of red meat a DAY!!!?? And heart disease ran in his family. Either way, its all crap shoot. Peole smoke, drink, eat fried foods and sugar in excess just the same. I think he was really in denial about everthing he was doing.

    Chest Injections

    Im probably an idiot, but Ive used a 23g needle and inserted about 1/2 inch and pinned 2cc of test/deca into my pecs. The initial pinning hurts like hell. Pecs just dont seem to be "normal" for pinning. Everything was gravy after that. Chest was nice and swoll, but I probably wouldnt do no...

    Letro is horrible stuff.

    As DPR stated, its not the letro. The symtoms you stated are all signs of unchecked estrogen. If anything, the Letro can knock off your lipid profile and give you a tired feeling, but not after 1-2 doeses. You would have to be running it awhile for that to happen. Dont know where you got...

    Starting Dbol/Sust/Deca today

    I love pinning delts and they are the eaisest and most pain free location for me. I have wide shoulders and have no issues aspirating. Try this: Instead of standing/sitting upright when you do delts, try standing, but leaning over as if you were going to touch your toes with both arms. Let...

    before & after

    Well if youre just doing test, there are heavier androgens out there that will bump your gains (and sides) even more, that are FAR cheaper than GH. Whats your test doseage?

    Letro....can it stop gains?

    If you use too much for too long, yes it can hurt your gains as you will basically nuke all your estrogen. You need some to function properly and you joints will HURT LIKE HELL without any in your body. Go easy on the Letro...