How long after 2 PH cycles before my first AAS cycle


New member
So here's the deal. About 3 months ago i did a cycle of M-drol. Took about 2 weeks of estrogen ex since my Nolva never showed up. Then about 2 weeks later i started a cycle of Cyanozine. I know that may have been a bit soon but the guy at the store told me its not live toxic since its not 17-methy so i should be fine. Had some great gains with those cycles.

At the time i hadn’t even thought about AAS, but somewhere along the way i got pull to the dark side. Now im on week 3 of Novla post cycle therapy (pct) and should have my first cycle next week.

Test P - 100mg EOD weeks 1-4
Test E - 500mg EW weeks 1-12

I have my post cycle therapy (pct), HCG, and AI's if needed so my question is how long should i wait to start.

Do those PH effect the body the same way Test does? Like is my body going to basically have some tollerance to it because of the PH. Its my first AAS cycle so i would like to get the most out of it. Any thoughts would be great.

Time on=time off

Alright cool So at about a month im G2G.

My next question is does a PH cycle ruin your first AAS cycle.

I keep seeing statements like this

"This is your first cycle!!! The best cycle you will EVER have. You should have done more research

You never get another chance at your first cycle. Mine was fairly simple way back, but I never seen gains like that again. It's like heroin users chasing that dragon thing or whatever...LOL "

And i know M-drol isn’t really a PH. Its more of a oral steroid so im just kinda worried about all that.
Yeah that’s what i would say its more of too, but ppl like to argue. Some say its a PH and other say its legal AAS because of the way it metabolizes. Either way you just dont hear to many ppl talk about going from a PH to a AAS and the Pros and Cons which is more what im worried about.

But sure stats are as followed

Weight: 178
Height: 5'11
BF%: 11%
6 years lifting

Bench: 335
Squats: 385
Dead: 315 (use to be in the 4's but after 2 hernia's i figure its not really worth it)

And if you’re going to say i shouldn’t be taking AAS because of my weight, just save yourself the typing. I eat like a horse but only since I’ve hit 24 have I started gaining anything. I couldn’t break 155lb to save my life for the longest time. Im def a hard gainer.
too late. you have already been using oral methylated anabolic androgenic steroids.

4-dhea, max lmg, pro dienolone, 4-androstenediol, these are pro hormones.

welcome to aas, I'd recomend buying a copy of anabolics 9th edition so you can become familiar with anabolic/androgenic steroids, as you have already been mis informed on the compounds you've been using.
too late. you have already been using oral methylated anabolic androgenic steroids.

4-dhea, max lmg, pro dienolone, 4-androstenediol, these are pro hormones.

welcome to aas, I'd recomend buying a copy of anabolics 9th edition so you can become familiar with anabolic/androgenic steroids, as you have already been mis informed on the compounds you've been using.

Care to actually give a constructive answer rather than a "to late you've already been using aas"

I realize ive been using M-drol and its pretty much legal AAS. Honestly the chemistry behind all of it is above me and frankly not what i want to get into if it really is a PH or an oral AAS. Im just asking what should i expect now that im switching to Test. Like i said a lot of ppl say you only have one "first cycle", and i just want to know if using PH's like Mdrol and Cyanozine screwed that up for me. That and what kind of time frame should i wait before my first cycle since ive been on Drol and Cyanozine.

Ive seen 3 posts of yours today quickly jumping on the fact that some of the PH like M-drol are not PH but oral AAS. Why is that such a touchy subject to you?
Care to actually give a constructive answer rather than a "to late you've already been using aas"

I realize ive been using M-drol and its pretty much legal AAS. Honestly the chemistry behind all of it is above me and frankly not what i want to get into if it really is a PH or an oral AAS. Im just asking what should i expect now that im switching to Test. Like i said a lot of ppl say you only have one "first cycle", and i just want to know if using PH's like Mdrol and Cyanozine screwed that up for me. That and what kind of time frame should i wait before my first cycle since ive been on Drol and Cyanozine.

Ive seen 3 posts of yours today quickly jumping on the fact that some of the PH like M-drol are not PH but oral AAS. Why is that such a touchy subject to you?

yea he's been a bit of an ass lately hasn't he...i don't know what his deal is. Anyway, I think that even if you want to consider what you took "aas" i don't feel that it's comparable to straight up injectable test. So yes i think that you would see great gains from the test and you should treat that as your first "real" cycle since it is actually your first real injectable i don't think a PH such as mdrol will affect how you respond to your first cycle of test...good luck bro
too late. you have already been using oral methylated anabolic androgenic steroids.

4-dhea, max lmg, pro dienolone, 4-androstenediol, these are pro hormones.

welcome to aas, I'd recomend buying a copy of anabolics 9th edition so you can become familiar with anabolic/androgenic steroids, as you have already been mis informed on the compounds you've been using.

that's not what he asked idiot, he asked if those compounds would be considered a "first cylce" since they're not injectable test...quit shitting on people who call them PH's..who gives a fuck if you consider it "aas" because apparently you're not able to inject or something, quit being a little bitch bro. And yes I'm looking for data from that other post...oral only will never be as good as injectable test, test is the best and you need it at the base of every cycle...that's steroid101 knowledge right there buddy
lol ha ha, good luck finding it. it doesn't exist.
and im not saying test isn't best. if you can run test along side an oral cycle. I highly recomend it, but that wasn't the subject.

4 week cycle of sd at 20mg with 500mg of test for 12 weeks, that'll be a great cycle, that will bring great gains.

but would it be better than 6 weeks of sd & 6 weeks of test e at 250mg? well, I dont know. but of course adding test in a cycle or oral steroids is going to be better than without.
lol ha ha, good luck finding it. it doesn't exist.
and im not saying test isn't best. if you can run test along side an oral cycle. I highly recomend it, but that wasn't the subject.

4 week cycle of sd at 20mg with 500mg of test for 12 weeks, that'll be a great cycle, that will bring great gains.

but would it be better than 6 weeks of sd & 6 weeks of test e at 250mg? well, I dont know. but of course adding test in a cycle or oral steroids is going to be better than without.

cut the shit with your oral only rampage...a mod from the other thread just basically told you to STFU...
Should be no serious issues going from oral PH to injectable test. They work differently.

It would have been better to probably run an oral in tandem with test, but I wouldnt recommend it now since you basically ran two orals back to back. I wouldnt run another anytime soon. Give your liver a break. That Methylated shit is no joke and some of those PH orals are dimethylated (even more harsh on your system).

Run the test, and probably even a little deca or eq and you should have some pretty good gains and harden up a bit too. I wouldnt touch any more PH till sometime next year at which time you can stack it with your test or whatever else you are running.

I'd say skip the PH's though and get you some real bonafide shit like d-bol or anadrol. PH's are such a mixed bag and only a few of them really pan out to be good without making you feel like total shit.

Make sure you check out site injections dot com so you dont fuck yourself up pinning!
Good luck.