Recent content by oprahwinstrol

  1. oprahwinstrol

    dbol with tbol SERM advice

    Man i love this forum. Awesome advice and much appreciated bro. Will keep taking the adex and have the nolva on hand in case. Bring on the gains!
  2. oprahwinstrol

    dbol with tbol SERM advice

    Haha! I figured! Thanks for your input. Not run dbol before so not sure about being gyno prone whilst on it but not had issues with gyno on previous cycles. Is there no issue running adex with dbol then? Something to do with it inhibiting the oestrogen that dbol thrives on?!
  3. oprahwinstrol

    dbol with tbol SERM advice

    Dbol ai advice Hey all. Currently on a 20 week cycle of teat e, deca and tbol. Having to tweak my cycle and basically i am introducing dbol at the three week point, whilst still keeping my (not very effective) tbol kickstart. Do i need to introduce nolva and stop the adex I've been running...
  4. oprahwinstrol

    Fall poem

    Wow. Awesome and surprising post buddy.
  5. oprahwinstrol

    New PSL cycle advice thanks

    Nice one LBB, I am super stoked for the cycle!
  6. oprahwinstrol

    New PSL cycle advice thanks

    I definitely will, thanks for your input. Var and tbol sounds an awesome combo.
  7. oprahwinstrol

    New PSL cycle advice thanks

    Thanks man. Is it worth me ramping up the deca in weeks 17 & 18 instead do you think? Again to give me a final push before the end of the cycle?
  8. oprahwinstrol

    New PSL cycle advice thanks

    I hear what you're saying Cheph. Just ran tbol at the start of my cycle last time as the strength gains were amazing. But the var at the end was a comparative disapointment. I figured I'd try and go out on a strength high this time!
  9. oprahwinstrol

    been along time. ..Purity Source

    Thanks for the heads up gg.
  10. oprahwinstrol

    Psl review thread! Post reviews here!

    Good call. Remedied :worried:
  11. oprahwinstrol

    Foods good for hair growth?

    For good hair care, tricologists often recommend: Spiralina, raw broccoli, millet (in porridge), brewers yeast.
  12. oprahwinstrol

    Foods good for hair growth?

    For good hair care, tricologists often recommend: Spiralina, raw broccoli, millet (in porridge), brewers yeast.
  13. oprahwinstrol

    Psl review thread! Post reviews here!

    Cs- prompt and professional OP- easy (considering product) SS- fast! Packaging- clever disguise product- very impressive results
  14. oprahwinstrol

    New PSL cycle advice thanks

    PSL cycle Hi all, just building up to my next cycle - the order is going in ASAP :) This is the plan. I'd appreciate any insights at all. Weeks 1-20 test e : 2ml/ 500 mg PW Weeks 1 - 18 deca : 2ml / 500 mg PW Weeks 19 -20 deca: 3ml / 750 mg Weeks 1-6 Tbol: 50mg PD Weeks 15-20 Tbol: 50mg PD...